
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/07/01 (Sun) Wtb 1:38. Slpt fm 1:40-7:10 (6 hrs)

around 7:00 game/car-like noise from the other side of the bathroom wall

the noises in my head loud and wavy

around 14:33 a strong pain in the back of the left eye, which felt like an arrow hit through my head, when I was blow-drying my hair after taking a shower before going out for grocery shopping

15:40-16:17 (0.5 hrs) fell asleep while preparing for the classes starting tomorrow (July 2-6, 16:00-21:20)  in Ikebukuro, which were booked three days ago

Went out to buy ingredients for the soup for the week in the evening.

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