
Writng for Academic Discussion Should a second chance given to those who were accused in a scandal? - revised -

Do you think people or organizations accused in a scandal should be given a second chance Why or why not?  (ethics)



Lets Think

1.        If you had made a severe mistake, would you want society to give you a second chance?

2.        Do you forget about a misbehavior of your friend? Why?

3.        How is a criminal given a second chance?

4.        Should politicians who have lied to the voters and worked for themselves to make money be forgiven?

5.        Is it ok to forgive a company that has contaminated the environment and killed a large number of people?



Hints for Points

1.        If the person or the organization shows a true remorse, has profusely apologized, has taken responsibility and made compensation, and has been behaving well, you should trust them.


2.        When the public impact of a scandal is strong, the person or the organization will be stigmatized as a lesson.


3.        People like drug addicts should be accepted when they come back to society after rehabilitation. They need public support so that they can rebuild their lives.


4.        When it comes to white collar crimes, society should keep talking about what they did in the past. Those financial crimes committed by corporations and governments have grave public impacts.


5.        Even if an organization publicly apologizes for its mistake and makes compensations, you should keep an eye on them. Corporations intentionally sell defective products if the profit is larger than the cost of losing law suits between consumers and them.


6.        Those who took advantage of their employee, subordinates or any person in a weak position, knowing that they won’t be punished because they are in power and are protected by the system, must be condemned by the public forever.



Sample Answer for Ideas and Expressions

Thesis Although I don’t know who has the authority to give someone a second chance, I believe those who have repented enough should not be prevented from tying to start all over again.

Supporting DetailsIf giving a second chance means accepting someone as part of society after the person has made up for the wrong doing through a sort of process such as serving in jail, paying a fine, or spending days of self-inflicted penance, it should be applied to anyone. No one is perfect. Everyone makes a mistake. When the reflection of the past and realization of the mistake make the person regret and remorse, society has no reason not to welcome back the person.

ReservationIn reality, it is often the case that those people who are correctly penitent get cornered by stigmatization and bullying by self-righteous people and prevented from coming back, often going back to the wrong way of life or committing suicide in a worst-case scenario. On the other hand, those who should be the last to be given a second chance go unpunished or come back after lying low for a while. This is socially harmful. Not only does it send a wrong message to society that a certain bad behavior is condoned but also those brazen-faced people like politicians or celebrities who got away with scandal with impunity will come back much worse than before. Donald Trump, the president of the U.S.A., for example, is a shameless felon convicted and arrested multiple times, and his second term has been a dictatorship since day one and now the country is on the verge of collapse. A system to prevent these human disasters is needed.

ConclusionOther than those utterly shameless, heinous individuals, psychopaths if you will, however, society should support the person who has paid the price well enough. (301 words)

Write your response in 10 minutes. Show each other your responses. Write down questions or suggestions to each other’s response.



















Writing for Academic Discussion The most important factors in making an advertisement effective - revised -

What do you think are some of the most important factors in making an advertisement effective?  (marketing)



Lets Think

1.        What are the purposes of advertising?


Purposes of advertising: to raise brand awareness or name recognition, to increase sales, to attract new customers, to build brand loyalty, etc.


2.        Think of advertisements that you like or remember well. Why do you like or remember them well?

Which of the following factors appealed to you? Were there any other factors that appealed to you?


Factors: visuals, sound (jingles, music, and songs), advertising copy or catch copy, people and characters, the story, the dream, sense of humor, atmosphere, timing, the space the advertisement is placed, information of the product or service, etc.



Hints for Points

1.        Word-of-mouth advertising is said to be the most effective advertising. Making customers satisfied leads to confidence in the store, brand name, product, or service.

2.        Consumers often buy the good image of a brand created by advertising.

3.        Consumers also buy a dream projected by an ad of a product.

4.        Celebrities are paid much for an ad. This means that using famous people is effective.

5.        Ads placed in or on a space where people often see is advantageous in exposure. Social media ads, ads in train cars, and ads on huge screens in front of a big station are some of the examples.

6.        Good music attract attention, connect what is advertised to the music, and make it a reminder.

7.        Impactful jingles get stuck in your heard. Children learn jingles and remember the brand name.

8.        Impressive copies like Nike’s slogan “Just Do It” makes the brand name known forever.



Sample Answer for Ideas and Expressions

ThesisI think attracting attention, fascinating, and causing loyalty are some of the most effective factors in successful advertisements, which are seen in a powerful advertising method called product placement.

Supporting DetailsProduct placement is a method of advertisement that places, or uses, a product in a TV show or a movie as a prop with the logo facing the camera. It is so effective that uses of the method on some products are banned. For example, tobacco is not allowed to appear in TV and films in some countries now. If you see old movies, you will be surprised to find everyone smoking and even be fascinated with the cool and decadent ways the actors used to smoke. This fascination taps into the subconscious layer of your mind. The good experience and the image relate to the item and make you learn the product name, make you buy one, and make you a loyal customer.

Counterargument-treatmentNow that this method of advertising has become notorious and it is even mentioned as a joke, it might not be so effective as before. But it is still often the case that TV stations get inquiries about a certain item after a celebrity carried it in a show, and people still try to buy fashion items that celebrities uploaded onto their social media accounts and have hair-cuts of their favorite star.

ConclusionRecognition, fascination, and loyalty are some of the main factors of the most effective advertisement, as seen in product placement. (245 words)


Write your draft in about 10 minutes. Show each other your drafts. Write down questions or suggestions to each other’s draft.





















Writing for Academic Discussion The most important factors in making an advertisement effective - revised -

What do you think are some of the most important factors in making an advertisement effective?  (marketing)



Lets Think

1.        What are the purposes of advertising?


Purposes of advertising: to raise brand awareness or name recognition, to increase sales, to attract new customers, to build brand loyalty, etc.


2.        Think of advertisements that you like or remember well. Why do you like or remember them well?

Which of the following factors appealed to you? Were there any other factors that appealed to you?


Factors: visuals, sound (jingles, music, and songs), advertising copy or catch copy, people and characters, the story, the dream, sense of humor, atmosphere, timing, the space the advertisement is placed, information of the product or service, etc.



Hints for Points

1.        Word-of-mouth advertising is said to be the most effective advertising. Making customers satisfied leads to confidence in the store, brand name, product, or service.

2.        Celebrities are paid much for an ad. This means that using famous people is effective.

3.        Ads placed in or on a space where people often see is advantageous in exposure. Social media ads, ads in train cars, and ads on huge screens in front of a big station are some of the examples.

4.        Good music attract attention, connect what is advertised to the music, and make it a reminder.

5.        Impactful jingles get stuck in your heard. Children learn jingles and remember the brand name.

6.        Impressive copies like Nike’s slogan “Just Do It” makes the brand name known forever.



Sample Answer for Ideas and Expressions

ThesisI think attracting attention, fascinating, and causing loyalty are some of the most effective factors in successful advertisements, which are seen in a powerful advertising method called product placement.

Supporting DetailsProduct placement is a method of advertisement that places, or uses, a product in a TV show or a movie as a prop with the logo facing the camera. It is so effective that uses of the method on some products are banned. For example, tobacco is not allowed to appear in TV and films in some countries now. If you see old movies, you will be surprised to find everyone smoking and even be fascinated with the cool and decadent ways the actors used to smoke. This fascination taps into the subconscious layer of your mind. The good experience and the image relate to the item and make you learn the product name, make you buy one, and make you a loyal customer.

Counterargument-treatmentNow that this method of advertising has become notorious and it is even mentioned as a joke, it might not be so effective as before. But it is still often the case that TV stations get inquiries about a certain item after a celebrity carried it in a show, and people still try to buy fashion items that celebrities uploaded onto their social media accounts and have hair-cuts of their favorite star.

ConclusionRecognition, fascination, and loyalty are some of the main factors of the most effective advertisement, as seen in product placement. (245 words)


Write your draft in about 10 minutes. Show each other your drafts. Write down questions or suggestions to each other’s draft.



