
Writing for Academic Discussion Pushing young people to take risks or emphasize caution? - revised -

Should we be pushing young people to take more risks, or should we emphasize caution instead?



Lets Think

1.        Name examples of risk-taking.

2.        Would you give it a go with the following cases? Why/why not?

a.     choosing to be a professional athlete, musician, artist, or writer instead of studying for higher education

b.     going abroad for a year after graduation instead of taking a very good job

c.      confessing your love to someone

d.     starting a business

3.        Share your experience that is similar to Lily’s point: Taking a risk leads to personal growth.

4.        Have you ever been persuaded not to take a risk? Share the story with others. What were the concerns?



Hints for Points

Taking risks

1.        Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

2.        It is only when you are young that you can take risks.

3.        By taking risks, young people will grow whether they fail or not.

4.        Precarious life is stressful.


Exercising caution

1.        Slow and steady wins the race.

2.        Learning to make an informed decision is important to be successful.

3.        One should prioritize protecting what has been proved secure and beneficial.

4.        Loss of opportunities might happen, for luck and fun are often something new and strange.

5.        “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction.” Matthew 7: 13-14



Ideas and Expressions  

ThesisI believe that it is irresponsible for adults to encourage young people to take risks because risk-taking is gambling, a trap that is easy and exciting.

Supporting DetailsVery often, what is called risk-taking is a premature action done by skipping the process of rigorous research, meticulous planning, and robust and patient execution of the plan, which are the practices that are imperative for success. Young people must train themselves through these practices to gain enough knowledge and skills for their goals. In addition, successful adventure depends on experience, but, as James points out, young people lack adequate experience to take a risk. They should wait and learn until they are ready to take up the challenge they cannot escape when the time is ripe.

Counterargument-treatmentLily’s point that taking a risk can lead to personal growth sounds valid. Taking responsibility of the action and wider perspective and confidence gained through new experiences contributes to well-rounded and resourceful personality, whether the person wins or loses. However, venturing also involves a huge loss when the challenger fails. For example, failing to establish a business will leave the person with a huge debt, sense of loss, regret, and feeling of inferiority. They may also lose their family and friends. Very strong will power and discipline are necessary to overcome the predicament, and most people are not so strong and become real losers, who give up their life itself. Moreover, victory at an early age has a negative impact on the person’s life as it makes the person contented and conceited, even if the success was greatly due to luck, and personal growth will stop there. Even depravation may occur.

ConclusionIn the end, slow but steady is the best policy. Real chances will come to those who are ready to grab it after their enough efforts. (299words)


Write your response in 10 minutes. Show each other your responses. Write down questions or suggestions to each other’s response.


















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