
早稲田国際教養学部AO入試 1) Death Penalty 2) Spirit Level - revised -

Day Six   Death Penalty  解答のポイント

ポイント: 死刑廃止への世界的な流れと死刑支持が大多数の日本の世論とのギャップ

問: 日本での死刑廃止に対する自分の考え


資料A 日本の死刑に関する世論調査の結果(ジャパン・タイムズ)

第1段落: 日本では死刑支持が圧倒的

85.6%が「不可避」と解答   1994年の調査開始以来最高の数字   凶悪犯罪増加の影響






第3段落: 日本での死刑不支持はごく少数で減少傾向


1) 犯人は生きて罪を償うべき

2) 冤罪の場合取り返しがつかない

第4段落: 調査方法


資料B 死刑に関する数字と事実(アムネスティー・インターナショナル)の各項目から読み取れること

項目1~3: 世界的には死刑は依然として続いている

項目4: 先進国では死刑実施は例外的

項目5~7: 非民主主義の方が頻繁に、容易に死刑を実施

項目8: 民主主義国家のリーダーであるアメリカでは死刑を実施しない例多数

項目9~11: 死刑を廃止した国も多数ある






死刑廃止に賛成の場合: ジャパン・タイムズ(以下JT)の賛成派の3つの理由に反論する形で論を進めてみる。





Ideas and Expressions

Although it seems impossible to abolish death penalty when most Japanese feel it is necessary, Japan should abolish it for the following reasons.

1.       Abolitionism is the trend of the world.

2.       Death penalty is morally wrong. It is based on uncivilized thought: An eye for an eye. Humans have no rights to kill other humans. Governments should not kill human.

3.       Death penalty is not practical. It does not work as deterrent. Most criminals are mentally disabled.

4.       False charges should be stopped. Even DNA examinations are often wrong. Decimated life will not come back once the sentence is executed.

5.       Life sentence can be the alternative for compensation and protection of the next victim.

6.       It is unethical to talk about the costs in deciding execution. Actually, death penalty costs more than life sentence. Prisoners are given labor for low wages.

7.       Many convicts repent from the bottom of their heat, and some contribute to the studies of their cases by answering researchers’ questions.

Appendix   Spirit Level

1990年代以降(特に第二次安倍政権の8年間及びコロナ以降) 非正規雇用の増加や自営業の減少、子ども食堂の増加等、格差拡大が進む日本ですが、これに伴う健康・社会問題の増加が、2010年出題のこの問題に使用されているグラフで推測できます。2010年には格差が先進国で最少だった日本ですが、現在はグラフbのどこに位置するのでしょうか。



主題 格差が大きいと(国の豊かさに関係なく)国民は不幸になる


本文訳 2つのグラフはある国の (a) 国民総所得 (b) 所得格差 と健康・社会問題を起こす可能性の関連性を示している。「健康・社会問題指標」は以下の問題に関して国際機関(世界銀行、経済協力開発機構、国連)が得たデータから算出されている: (1)平均寿命 (2)10代の出産 (3)肥満 (4)精神病 (5)殺人 (6)投獄率 (7)人間不信 (8)社会の流動性 (9)教育 (10)幼児死亡率 グラフbの線は回帰直線である。すなわち2要素がベストフィット関係(強い相関関係)にあることを示す。




1)     グラフbには傾きがプラスの一次関数の線分がある。→ グラフbの横軸と縦軸の要素は比例する。

2)     グラフab両方でアメリカだけが極端に右上にある。→ アメリカには極端な特徴がある。



1)     縦軸はグラフab共に同じで、大まかに言えば「不幸の度合い」を示している。問題本文の「健康・社会問題を起こす可能性」で、上に行くほどその国は不幸な人が多いことになる。

2)     横軸はグラフaは「その国のお金持ち度」(問題文の「国民総所得」)、グラフbは「その国の貧富の差(格差)」(問題文の「所得格差」)を表している。

3)     つまり、グラフa では右に行くほどその国はお金持ちだということになり、グラフbでは右に行くほどその国は貧富の差が大きいことになる。そして、グラフbの傾きがプラスの一次関数の線分は「不幸の度合いと貧富の差は比例する」ことを示している。



ポイント: お金持ちの国であるかどうかと健康・社会問題の多少はあまり関係がないらしい。お金持ちでない国々よりもアメリカのほうが健康・社会問題が多く、お金持ちの国同士でもアメリカが極端に健康・社会問題が多い。

詳細: アメリカとノルウエーは共に国民総所得が最大(最もお金持ち)だが、健康・社会問題はノルウエーは非常に少なく、アメリカは最悪で、ノルウエーの3倍ある。また、アメリカより健康・社会問題が低くノルウエーと同じ位かそれ以下の国(日本やスウェーデン、オランダ、スイス、フィンランド)はアメリカより国民総所得が低く、その数値もばらばらだ。一方、アメリカとイギリス、ポルトガルの健康・社会問題はほぼ同じ(最悪)だが、国民総所得は異なる(アメリカは最高、イギリスは中間、ポルトガルは最低)。従って、国民総所得(国のお金持ち度)と健康・社会問題(国の幸福度)は相関関係がない。



ポイント: 貧富の差が大きいほど健康・社会問題が多い。アメリカは格差が最大で健康・社会問題が極端に多い。

詳細: 日本(貧富の差最小・健康社会問題最小)が左下、アメリカ(貧富の差最大・健康社会問題最大)が右上にあり、この両極端の2国の間に各国が傾きがプラスの一次関数の線分に沿って並んでいる。


【貧富の差(小)=健康・社会問題(少)/ 貧富の差(大)= 健康・社会問題(多)】だということが分かる。





問1 適切な例を挙げてこれらのグラフが示唆することを1段落で説明してください。 

考え方 「グラフaから分かること」と「グラフbから分かること」参照


問2 健康・社会問題指標に含まれる10件の問題のひとつを選んで、日本とアメリカに焦点を当てながら、これらの問題の発生における(日米の)差を、グラフに示された要素以外のどんな要素で説明できそうかを述べてください。解答用紙の所定の場所に英語で書いてください。

考え方 日本とアメリカに焦点を当てるよう指示されていることとグラフで分かることの関係を考えて見る。日本とアメリカはグラフbで正反対の位置にある。日本は貧富の差が少なく健康・社会問題も少ないがアメリカはその逆。つまり、日米の健康・社会問題の差の原因は格差の差なのだが、問題で問われているのは、日米の格差の差以外に考えられる原因。そこで、日米の社会や制度、文化の違いで原因になりそうなものを挙げる。


(1)平均寿命:  医療費及び薬代、国民皆保険制度、銃規制(ただしカナダは銃社会だが銃による殺人件数はアメリカよりずっと少ない)、虐殺・奴隷制・差別の歴史、車社会、規制、離婚・独身率、多人種・多民族

(2)10代の出産:  移民、差別、宗教、個人主義、自由主義、メディアコンテンツ

(3)肥満:  規制、食生活、車社会、消費社会

(4)精神病:  伝統社会の喪失、競争社会、精神病関連ビジネス

(5)殺人:  警察の歴史(奴隷解放後の黒人差別のための組織)伝統社会の喪失、競争社会、銃規制、人種差別

(6)投獄率:  刑務所の民営化、ドラッグ、人種差別、福祉の不足

(7)人間不信:  多人種・多民族、競争社会、個人主義、メディアプロパガンダ

(8)社会の流動性:  利益優先主義、企業家のモラル、雇用形態、アメリカン・ドリーム

(9)教育:  教師数削減、予算削減、人種差別、構造的貧困(諦め)

(10)幼児死亡率  離婚・独身率、移民、人種差別


TOEFL iBT Independent Writing 1) What impact do you think people living longer now than they did will have on society? 2) What changes do you think this new century will bring? 3) What do you think is one change in the twentieth century that is most important to remember?


Writing Topic A

Generally speaking, people are living longer now than they did in previous centuries. What impact do you think this change will have on society?



Lets Think

1.          Look up the following words.

average life-span ……………………………….   average life-expectancy …………………………………..

longevity………………………………………….   child mortality rate ……………………………………….

shrinking population ………………………….. aging society ………………………………………………..


2.      Research the impact of longevity, and share your findings with others.



Hints for points

1.       There is a much older but healthier and more experienced work force.

a.     People will retire much later.

b.     Retirees will volunteer in many areas (day-care centers, research facilities, etc.).

c.      Younger generation stay in school longer and start work later.


2.       Older consumers will increase.

a.     Less/more consumption, depending on the condition of the pension system, economy, etc.

b.     New products and services like nursing robots, counselors, mobile stores and cleaners, etc.

c.      Different city planning such as barrier-free designs, more accessible transportation, etc.


3.       Social services related to aging society will increase.

a.     Hospitals and retirement homes will increase.

b.     There will be more social workers, caregivers, medical personnel.

c.      Expenditure on social security programs, including healthcare and pension system, will rise.


4.       If wealth gap becomes wider, wealthy people will stay young till they get very old and have many children, while poor people die young and have fewer children. The social and health problems of the society will increase. Since rich people tend not to care about pollution as they live in clean areas, the environmental destruction may increase, and the earth may become uninhabitable.



Sample Essay Structure

IntroductionSince people only in developed countries are living longer and old age is an anathema in modern society, all kinds of changes related to anti-aging will happen.

Point 1Anti-aging industry will thrive more.

Point 2The average life expectancy gap between the rich and the poor will be wider.

Counterargument-treatmentTraditional cultures value old age, but it is quite possible that globalization can wipe the value out.

ConclusionFear of aging and death in developed countries might change industries and demography on the whole planet.



Your Sample Essay Structure                                                  


Point 1

Point 2

Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment




Speech Time:  Make a one-minute speech on this topic.



Writing Topic B

The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring?



Lets Think

Research the changes expected in the near future concerning the following aspects.

1.      Technology  e.g. renewable energy and machines to clean up the environment

2.      Economic activities  e.g. more connection with neighboring countries

3.      Politics  e.g. efforts to avoid war

4.      Society  e.g. inequality and aging

5.      Environment  e.g. extinction and new distribution of species due to global warming



Hints for points

1.       “Peace” will be attained in the developed world.

Global warming and active plate tectonics will unite humans and end wars and conflicts. Those in developing countries will be protected by the developed countries because of the shortage of basic resources such as food and water. Grassroots movements will vitalize communities and change politics.


2.       Wild animals and human children will be rare.

a.     Development, pollution, and climate change will cause weathering of life force and many animals including humans will have fewer offspring.

b.     Income gap, bad welfare system, and discrimination will lead to lower birthrates.


3.       The next one hundred years will be the century of cooperation or destruction.

a.     Globalization, global warming, and the gap between the rich and the poor will develop.

-        Global warming combined with population growth will cause food and water shortage.

-        Businesses will keep outsourcing factories to countries with cheaper labor forces and fewer regulations, and hollowing out will continue to occur.

-        Another financial meltdown will occur as Wall Street corporations are buying politicians, who will pass or repeal laws weakening financial restrictions while no big companies are paying tax by means of using tax havens.

-        Anger among the public will develop because of the insecurity of their lives.

-        Conflicts between racial and ethnic groups will increase.

-        New generations will build a society which is friendly to the weak and the environment.


b.     We might see disarmament or proliferation of nuclear weapons followed by Armageddon in the worst case scenario.

-        The military industrial complex will keep developing by through wars.

-        Countries that are not allowed to have nuclear weapons will have them and use them as deterrent.

-        Information and materials (uranium and plutonium) to make nuclear arms will be available through the net.


c.      Tensions between religious groups, mainly between Christians and Muslims, will be stronger.

-        US diplomacy of waging wars against Muslim countries and helping Israel, which keeps invading Pakistan, will keep causing disruption in the Middle East.

-        US military will have more Evangelicals, fundamentalist sect of Christianity, and fear against Islamic extremists will be promoted more around the world.

-        Young people who cannot adapt to reality seek refuge in the bond with the members of religious groups.



You’re Sample Essay Structure


Point 1

Point 2

Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment




Speech Time  Make a one-minute speech on this topic.




Extra Writing Topic

There were many changes in the twentieth century. What do you think is one change in the twentieth century that is most important to remember? Include specific reasons to justify your choice.



Lets think

1.       Questions of the same type as today’s topics

a.     What invention in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country?

b.     What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


2.       To which question do you have more than one answer?

a.    Name the sweetest cake in the world.

b.    Name a sweetest cake.


Fill in the parentheses.

a.  The lion is (     )   large mammal.

b.  The elephant is  (      )  largest mammal on land.


Note: The superlatives in the writing topic, most important, does not have the article “the.” This means that you do not have to decide the most important change in the 20th century. There are some most important changes that happened in the last century, and you are supposed to pick up one of them and explain why it has the highest level of importance.


3.       Do research on changes that took place in the last century and share your findings.


Note: It is rather easy to think of the answer to this type of question. You can easily come up with changes like the development of the information technology. Probably the difficult part is to explain why, but the hint is in the question. In this case, the hints are the words “change” and “most important.” They are related to great moments in history: the story of before and after the change. What is expected in your essay is probably the description of how great the impact of the change was, in other words, in what way and how much it has changed society and the environment.



Hints for points

1.       The rapid development of technology.

Technological breakthroughs had happened before, but it was in the 20th century that the rapid the development of technology happened, and the lives of people changed dramatically. Nowadays, thanks to convenient electronic appliances, people can have more extra time than they did one hundred years ago and use it to do things other than daily chores. The development of technology enabled people to enjoy creative activities, which were possible only for the few privileged people before. The changes were good for the most part, but since it happened in a short time, people did not have enough time to adapt to it or consider the influence of it. As a result, the change left some negative assets to coming generations, such as pollution, global warming, threat of nuclear arms, and new types of crimes.


2.       Wars and the invention of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

In World War I and World War II, hundreds of thousands of people were killed and died, and biological and nuclear weapons were made. Biological weapons were used during WWI and they were prohibited after the war. Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of WWII, each killing around 140,000 and 370,000 by the end of the year. After World War II, America’s wars such as Vietnam War and Iraq-Afghanistan War killed tens of thousands of people. Nuclear armament competition drove the world to have approximately 13,000 nuclear warheads. In addition, nuclear energy is applied to electricity generation, causing Chernobyl and Fukushima.


3.       The influence of the airplane

The rapid development of commercial airplanes in the 20th century might be compared to the domestication of horses. It has made the world smaller and dramatically changed people’s lives. It has enabled people to visit other countries for study, on business, or on vacation quickly and easily.


4.       The invention of television

The invention of television has given people a new source of information and a new tool of entertainment. Television has made it possible for people to learn with sound and moving pictures what is happening in remote areas or in places they usually cannot go in. People started watching news shows instead of reading newspapers or listening to the radio. Television has also provided various kinds of shows that people can enjoy with their family and friends. At the same time, television made it easier for governments and corporations to control people’s thoughts.


5.       Globalization

The development of transportation and communication allowed corporations to do business worldwide. They now have their branch offices and factories in other countries, import cheap materials from other countries, and sell their products around the world. As a result, people all over the world have the same kind of products, and some cultures are shared around the world. At the same time, languages and cultures of minorities are lost in this change.



Lets make a point

Write about the points you are going to make by answering the following two questions.


Question 1  What is different before and after the change?

Sample response: I think the advent of the Internet is most important to remember in the last 100 years. In the old days, before the advent of the Internet, the information was something that was provided in limited amounts by authorities. However, lately, most information on this planet has become available to anyone. Also, it has become possible for anyone to provide information to the public easily.


Your response:

I think ………………………………………..……. is most important to remember in the last 100 years.

In the old days, ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………



However, these days, ……………………………………………………………………………………………….





Question 2  What makes the change more important than other changes?

Sample responses: The change brought by the Internet is most important to remember in that it has become the infrastructure of the world. Its impact on our society was so great that no one in our society now lives completely independent of the Internet.


Your short response:

The change brought by …………………………………………….……….… is most important to remember

in that ...………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….


Its impact on our society was so great that ………………………………………………………………………

