
TOEFL iBT Independent Writing 1) What invention in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country? 2) It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. - revised -

Writing Topic

What invention in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country?



Let’s Think

Read the following and ask each other the following question.

The questions of the same type as today’s topic are as follows:

The twentieth century saw great change. In your opinion, what is one change that should be remembered about the twentieth century? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


Question 1  What is the difference between discovery and invention?


$Note: Discovery differs from invention in that you discover something that has existed all the time but you did not know it was there till then, while you invent something that did not exist before. For example, Newton discovered gravity while Bell invented a telephone.


Question2  It is rather easy to think of the answer for this type of question. For today’s question, you can easily come up with inventions like computers, cell-phones, or jet planes. What is the difficult part of today’s question? How would you deal with it?


$Note: Probably the difficult part is to explain why, but remember, the hints are in the questions. In this case, the hints are the words “change” and “most beneficial.” They are related to great moments in history: the story of before and after the invention/change/discovery. What is expected in your essay is probably the description of how great the influence of something has been, in other words, in what way and how much it has affected society, human life, or the environment.



Hints for Points

- the computer: speed, huge memory, accuracy, versatility (calculation, word processing, internet search, etc.), ubiquity, online business, social media, changed our lifestyle – We cannot go back to life before computers. / Many things have become outdated (typewriters, CDs, stationery, paper dictionary, encyclopedia, going out for shopping, writing letters, etc)

- the cell-phone: handy, has many functions, changed our way of communication – We talk to people in person less often. / We can bond with large numbers of people easily.

- the commercial airplane: accelerated our life, made the world smaller, boosted globalization, changed our life plans – People are ready to move to places far away from home. / People spend more time abroad on vacations.



Sample Short Response

I think that the invention of the Internet has been most beneficial for people in my country in the last 100 years. Before the invention of the Internet, the information was something that was provided by authorities in limited amounts. However, after the advent of the Internet, most information has become available to anyone. Also, it has become possible for anyone to send out information that others should know quite easily. In conclusion, the Internet has been most beneficial to our society in that it has decentralized information management. Its impact on our society was so great that no one now lives absolutely independent from the Internet.


Note: let’s not forget that the superlative, “most beneficial,” requires you to show why you think people have benefitted from a particular invention more than they have from the other inventions, why you chose not the microwave, which has benefited many of us, oven but the computer. One way to do this might be to point out the phenomenon it has caused that the others have not.


Your Short Response:

I think that the invention of ……………………………… has been most beneficial for people in my country in the last 100 years.

Before the invention of ………………………………,



However, after the advent of …,








In conclusion, ……………………………… has been the most beneficial to our society in that



Its impact on our society was so great that




Show each other your short responses.




Writing Topic 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics.



Let’s Think

1.       If a statement says that A is more than B, and if you disagree with this statement, how would you demonstrate it?


$Note: You are to prove either A equals B or A is less than B:A > B】⇔【A = BorA < B.  If you disagree with the statement that it is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics, you are to prove either both are equally important or the latter is more important than the former.


2.       Is studying science and mathematics equally important to or more important than studying history and literature? What if school taught neither science nor mathematics? Would there be any problems?


Hints for Points


1.       The humanities are related to all people while science is only for experts. A discovery of a 1-meter-long Cambrian shrimp fossil cannot be a common conversation topic while a Pyramid excavation can.

2.       An office worker without scientific knowledge is just boring but a scientist without knowledge of human nature and historical lessons is dangerous.



1.       Without basic knowledge of math and science, you could not lead a daily life with confidence. You would have no idea about how to use spreadsheet and neither would you understand the importance of vaccination or seat belts.

2.       Science and mathematics answer important such questions as what is life or what is universe.

3.       To have a good perception of current social problems, we need to have some basic knowledge of science and math. e.g. global warming, atomic energy, virus variants, etc.



Essay for Ideas and Expressions

I do not think it is less important for students to study science and mathematics than for them to study history and literature. Without having some basic knowledge of science and mathematics, we cannot lead our daily lives, have better perception of ourselves and the universe, and face our future problems with determination.

Today’s world heavily depends on science. It is now difficult to survive or function well without knowing the meaning of basic scientific terms such as virus or electricity. Ignorance of these words will cause problems or even death. For an office worker, the fundamental idea of calculus is necessary to use the most prevalent computer programs such as Excel. Science and math are now so finely woven into our lives that we do not even realize that we use them all the time. Even deniers of science send the message using their phones.

It might be generally believed that history and literature deal with humans while science and mathematics deal with matters, the physical world. However, science and math help develop the study of humanity in significant ways. Geology and chemistry help researches of human history, and astronomy, physics, and mathematics attempt to know the origin and the shape of the universe and life. Biology has made clear that all life is related (DNA, the theory of evolution, etc.), and zoology has questioned the conventional idea about the difference between man and animals (animals with behaviors that had been thought to be distinctively human). All these studies provide deeper understanding of who we are, where we are, and what will happen to us in the future, and these are the fundamental questions humans have always asked probably since primordial times. To understand the answers to these inquiry, we need at least the intermediate level of knowledge in science and mathematics.

Science now plays the central role in predicting and saving our future. For example, global warming cannot be handled without initiatives of governments and general consensus, and to understand how serious the problem is, scientific knowledge is necessary. Another example is that, although we are in a hopeless situation where politics is preventing politicians who are conscious of this problem from making decisions, there is a silver lining that perceptive business leaders have already started tackling the issue and many ordinary people have long been trying to help reduce CO2 emissions. This has been possible because of science and math education, because most people can read graphs, know what CO2 is, and understand the significance of greenhouse effect.

Science and mathematics cover not only materials but also humans. It is as important for students to study them as for them to study history and literature for a better life.


Your short response:

I agree/disagree with the statement that it is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics because …




Pre-Grammar & Writing 暗記例文 Lesson 10



以下の和文を英訳してください。覚え方のこつ: 1)先に下線部から覚える 2)言って覚えて書いて確認!


1         クラスメートたちは駅で私を見送ってくれた





2         欠点があってもやはり人々はその選手を愛する。





3         欠点があるから一層その漫画のキャラクターが好きだ。




4         戦時中、ファシスト政権の日本は国民を互いに監視させた。












TOEFL iBT Independent Writing It is more worthwhile for a university to spend money on improving facilities than on hiring high-quality professors. - revised -

Writing Topic

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. It is more worthwhile for a university to spend money on improving facilities than on hiring high-quality professors.



Let’s Think

1.      What are the merits of universities spending money on facilities?

Note: University facilities include those not only for studies but also for students such as dormitories, gyms, and cafeteria. They may need to have features that many people are attracted to.

2.      What are the merits of spending money on high-level professors?

3.      For what purpose does the university exist? Why do people go to university?

4.      What does the word “worthwhile” mean? The statement uses the word “worthwhile” not “important”. Does it mean that even though high-quality professors are important, improving facilities is more worthwhile?

Note: Let’s think about the relation between research facilities and faculty (professors) in studies by analogy. Professors can be to facilities what the software is to the hardware of a computer system. Just as good software performs exquisitely even the hardware looks miserable as long as its specifications are above some level, so do good professors achieve good results even if facilities for are not perfect. At the same time, if the hardware is old and worn out, of course, nothing can make it do even a basic task.



Hints for Points


1.       Facilities determine the research results in some areas.

2.       Most students do not care if their professors are not the best as long as they are good enough to teach them. Rather, they prefer to have the best environment for college life.



1.       Good research and teaching cannot be done without a good brain.

2.       High-quality professors will contribute to academic studies and practical appliances.



Essay for Ideas and Expressions

Both facilities and professors are necessary for a university. However, if the statement that it is more worthwhile for a university to spend money on improving facilities than on hiring high-quality professors is based on the idea that university is a business and thus its purpose is to make profits, I cannot agree with it because in my understanding university exists to promote and protect studies.


Spending more money on facilities than on hiring good professors for profits is putting the cart before the horse. While university should provide a good environment so that professors can do research without worrying about funding, good facilities cannot be utilized without good researchers. For example, abundant information that sophisticated machines can provide is useless without a person who knows how to use machines and how to interpret the information. Also, many professors are not only top level researchers but also very good teachers. They are some of the best, or at least most interesting, minds students meet in their whole lives: human beings with amazing brains and often unforgettable personalities. It is professors that protect, improve, and increase the knowledge the university has and raise the next generation of researchers and well-educated citizens that support important studies.


On the other hand, in the perspective of university as a business, spending money on the facilities might also be crucial. Universities need to attract as many students, their customers, as possible. Students who are purely interested in the subject they are going to major in and choose a university with renowned professors in the field of their interest might be minorities. A larger percentage of the young may want to pursue a good quality of life rather than an academic success and would be more concerned about the level of facilities related to their college life than those of professors. For example, students who are to live away from home might take good dormitory facilities into consideration in choosing a university. Students who enjoy sports would choose the university with good sporting facilities.


However, the main purpose of a university is research and education. Talks about making money should be the last of its priority. Although reality may put pressure on allocating more of its budget to other things than hiring high-quality professors, if it gives in, it is not really entitled to be called higher education. Instead of trying to increase its capital by attracting many applicants, the university should prioritize its academic activities by maintaining high level of its faculty.


The university is a place for studies and studies depend on high-level professors. Therefore, it is not worthwhile for a university to spend more money on its facilities than on its faculty. University officers focused on short term profits should reaffirm their responsibility in protecting academic activities.



Sample Essay Structures

Sample 1

Main Idea I agree/disagree with the statement that … because ….

FacilityIt is worthwhile for a university to spend money on facilities in that ….

ProfessorsIt is worthwhile for a university to spend money on professors because ….

Decisive ReasonA university should spend more money on facilities/professors because ….

Conclusion…. Therefore, I think it is more worthwhile …..


Sample 2

Main Idea I agree/disagree with the statement that … .The reasons are as follows.

Reason to agree/disagree 1First, ….

Reason to agree/disagree 2Second, ….

Why the drawbacks do not matterIt is true that …, but ….

ConclusionIn conclusion, I believe that ….because ….




Your Essay Structure

Main Idea

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-up




TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Drill It is more worthwhile for a restaurant to spend money on improving facilities than on hiring good cooks. - revised -

Drill        Discuss the following statement, write a single-paragraph essay on it that includes sentences with the sentence structures below, and write comments on other members’ essays. It is more worthwhile for a restaurant to spend money on improving facilities than on hiring good cooks.


Sentence structures

so that S can …. Sが…できるように~する」

It is more for S to do …than . Sは-よりも…する方がより~だ」


Expressions: advertising display, interior renovation, new tables and chairs, ambience, sophisticated cooking appliances, how to use facilities, experience and knowledge, skills to prepare for/make/cook fine dishes, what ingredients to order, loyal customers, boost customer satisfaction



Single Paragraph Essay





















Pre-Grammar & Writing 暗記例文 Lesson 9



以下の和文を英訳してください。覚え方のこつ: 1)先に下線部から覚える 2)言って覚えて書いて確認!


1         ソーシャル・メディアを社会改革のために人々が使うことは良いことだIt で始めてください)






2         それについてツイッターでつぶやくのは簡単だが実行するのは難しい。(It で始めてください)






3         この問題を取り上げてくれて彼は親切だ。(It で始めてください)




4         私たちが会う人誰にでも私たちはその話をした。








TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Is early childhood education necessary or not? - revised -

Writing Topic

There are people who think that children should start school or kindergarten when they are still very young and should learn early in life to work hard at their studies. Others feel that young children should be more free and should spend a lot of time playing and enjoying themselves. Discuss these opinions. Which idea do you share?


Lets Think

1.       What should people experience and learn when they are children? What is given as education might be only a small part of what a child should learn.

2.       What is the purpose of early childhood education? What does it teach children? Do the subjects match their psychological development? Do you think early childhood education is an essential initiation for an individual to do well in today’s society? Is there any difference between people who received early academic training and those who did not?

3.       In Japan, children start kindergarten at the age of 5 and school at the age of 7. Do they need to start studies earlier?

4.       What about the child’s feelings and rights to pursue happiness?


Hints for Points

Hints for points for agreement

1.       Other than one’s innate ability, how one spends the first few years of one’s life will significantly affect one’s life. Studies show that most human-brain neurons are formed by the age of 6. In addition to the genetic factor, the environment you are in during these early years will decide what brain you will have, in other words, what kind of person you will be.


2.       Early childhood education can allow children to make a good start in studies. Many of the children who did not receive early childhood education have difficulty in learning as they are not accustomed to sitting in the classroom and do not know what other children already know.


3.       In modern society, where traditional communities are gone, children need school as substitute for community. At school, they can interact with adults and other children and learn things that children in the past learned from people in their community such as interpersonal skills, manners, folk songs, or traditional plays, which will be their lifelong assets.


Hints for points for disagreement

1.    Some children who received early childhood education and now go to a prestigious high school say that they have not really appreciated it. They have always had a feeling of loss. They miss their lost childhood. They say they wanted to play more. They were always envious of other children playing in the park when they had to go to a cram school. They always feel as if they lack something important as a human being because of this lack of experience of ordinary childhood. (This idea is based on a response of a former student of mine.)


2.    I doubt whether the best environment in which a young child to prepare for the years to come is school or kindergarten, because they are artificial. The world, nature and society, is complex and dynamic. Children should be exposed to them so that they can learn them directly. They should touch the earth, catch insects, or interact with many kinds of people before they start studies.


3.    Children should play as much as possible because play is their work. Playing helps acquire things that are of fundamental importance in life such as attentiveness to others and self-confidence. It also teaches children manners and social skills. Playing in nature will give them primordial fulfilling feelings that make them affirmative of life. The free time one had in childhood will give one power to work hard in later years.


Sample Body Structures

Sample 1

About the first idea

About the second idea

My choice


Sample 2

Point 1

Point 2

Why my choice outweighs the other choice

Your Sample

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3