Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change
improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your
☆Let’s Think 考えてみよう
That food has become easier to prepare means
it has become faster and less troublesome thanks to the technological
advancement such as the electrification of cooking tools, invention of instant
food, and development of ready-to-eat food industry, food has become easier to
prepare. In general, development of technology has both good points and bad
points. Therefore, this change may not have improved all aspects of the way
people live. 食事が準備しやすくなったとは調理器具の電化やインスタント食品の発明、出来合い食品産業の発達の様な技術の進歩のおかげで調理が速くなりあまり面倒でなくなったということを意味する。一般的に技術の発達は利点と欠点両方がある。従ってこの変化は人々の生活の全ての面を改善したわけではないかもしれない。
☆Hints for Points 要点の為のヒント
Good points 利点
cooking time, saves time, helps make time to do other things
stress related to cooking
Bad points 欠点
of skills, loss of tradition
conversation between family members
chances to develop creativity
dietary life: less tasty, less enjoyable in texture, not fresh, unhealthy,
contain a lot of chemicals such as additives and preservatives
食生活の低下: あまりおいしくない、食感があまりよくない、新鮮でない、不健康、添加物や保存料の様な化学物質を多く含む
☆Sample Essay Structures エッセイ構造例
Sample 1 例 1
【Introduction = Outline】Less time to prepare food means more time to improve life.
【good point 1】Reduction of cooking
time lead to higher production. e.g. rice
【good point 2】Release from manual
labor leads to higher mental activity. e.g.
social reform by housewives
【counterargument-treatment】Some might deplore
decline of food culture. However, those interested in cooking are even more
enthusiastic about improving their eating experience. e.g. cook books
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】Efficiency is
fundamentally helpful in improving life.
【利点 1】調理時間の削減により生産性が上がる 例 炊飯器
【利点 2】肉体労働からの解放が高度な精神活動につながる。 例 主婦による社会改革
【反論処理】食文化の衰退を嘆く人もいるが料理に興味のある人は食生活の改善にもっと熱心にさえなっている。 例 料理本
Sample 2 例 2
【Introduction】On the one hand, food
becoming easy to prepare is good for our lives, but on the other hand, it may
be bad for it.
【Positive effects】Shorter cooking time
reduces stress and increases free time.
【Negative effects】Many food products
are bad for the health.
【Conclusion】Technology applied
to cooking improves our lives in general although we have to watch our health
because of it.
Sample 3 例3
【Introduction】Whether food having
become easier to prepare than before improves people’s lives or not has
different answers depending on what aspect of life you see. In general, it is
doubtful whether it has improved our lives, especially in terms of quality.
【Effects on dietary life】We can enjoy many
kinds of food. On the other hand, processed food makes us less sensitive to
subtle differences of taste. They are also addictive. e.g.
very sweet or salty food with a lot of fat in it
【Effects on our daily life】We rarely cook
together with our family, even though this provides an opportunity to have a
good communication with our family. Also, we have lost sense of seasonal change
because almost all kinds of foods are available year round. e.g. People do not make
traditional food such as ohagi cakes for ancestors any more or few families
pound mochi, rice cakes for New Year’s feast, together these days.
【Effects on our social life】We can spend more
time for other activities than cooking such as working for a company or joining
a club although
most of us have become busier than before because of increased workload
assigned for the extra time saved by the technology. In
addition, communication in cooking time is lost.
【Conclusion】In most aspects of
our lives, technological improvement of cooking is a mixed blessing. In my
impression, simplified
cooking has somewhat lowered the quality of our life by making it gross because diet makes up a significant part of life.
【食生活への影響】いろいろな食べ物を楽しめる。一方で加工食品によって味の微妙な違いに鈍感になる。また中毒になる。 例 脂肪分の覆い非常に甘いか塩辛い食品
【日常生活への影響】めったに家族と一緒に料理をしない。一緒に料理をするのは家族と良いコミュニケーションをとる機会を提供してくれるのに。また、一年中ほとんど全ての種類の食べ物が手に入るので季節感を失ってしまった。 例 もはやおはぎの様な伝統的料理を祖先のために作らないし、新年用の餅つきを一緒にする家族はほとんどいない。
Your Sample Essay Structure
【Introduction = Outline】
【Point 1】
【Point 2】
【Point 3】
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】
☆Sample Paragraph Development 段落展開例
A 【Main Idea】Shorter cooking
time reduces stress and increases free time.
【Supporting Details】For most people, preparing food is a routine that they want to
spend as little time as possible on. Therefore, when it takes only a few
minutes, instead of more than 30 minutes, to cook, they feel less stressed out.
Also, they can use the extra time to do whatever they want to do such as
working, studying, or bonding with others.
【Wrap-up】The easier food is to prepare, the less stress and waste of time
we have.
B 【Main Idea】Many food
products are bad for the health.
【Supporting Details】During processing,
they lose a lot of nutrients. Especially, they have fewer vitamins than fresh
foods. Moreover, they contain chemicals to make them tastier and last long.
Many of these chemicals are thought to be cause of diseases like cancer.
【Wrap-up】Food that is easy to prepare is unnatural and bad for life.
☆Essay for Ideas and Expressions アイディアと表現のためのエッセイ
a hit song in the 1970’s Japan, “Curry and Rice”, the singer, who is said to
have been influenced by Bob Dylan, sang about his partner cooking a common
Japanese dish called carry and rice, starting with the sound she makes as she
chops vegetables, then depicting the good smell of the soup as the vegetables
and meat boil, and finally mentioning their sweet disagreement on how spicy the
dish should be. Inserted comment on their cat begging for a bite represents the
increasing excitement of the poet waiting for his favorite dish to be ready. It
took around 30 minutes, already owing to the boon of technology, to cook the
dish at that time, but nowadays the same meal can be prepared before the song
ends. Warm a ready-made curry and rice package with the microwave oven, and
there you go. Eat! I wonder if we have lost a lot of our lives due to the
change even though it has benefited us in some aspects.
is true that technology has made cooking much easier than before and benefited
us. Especially, electric appliances and many new food products have shortened
the cooking time. They have freed housewives from the burden of preparation of
meals. They used to cook all day long. There were no gas stoves, no
rice-cookers, or no bottled dressing or sauce, not to speak of precut
vegetables. Curry would take houses to make if you have to start with grinding
spices and making fire. Thanks to technological advancement, today’s housewives
can have some leisure time to do what they want to do. Not only housewives but
everyone else does not have to be bothered by food-preparation and can focus on
what they think is more important now.
convenience and efficiency have another face, which causes decay of the core of
a person’s life. If a human were a robot, fueling should be as easy and quick
as possible, but as we are not machines, we need some time-taking process in
eating to be fulfilled. Doctors’ advice to bite down your food 100 times to
avoid gastrointestinal problems or obesity is not just for digestion but for
the nerve-center satisfaction. The Japanese tea ceremony, sado, is a practice
of appreciating each single process of making and drinking a bowl of tea.
Perhaps we had better consider why this art became popular not during the
aristocratic Heian Era but during the following period of civil wars, In the
time when fight and death was common, the art that appreciates a trivial moment
of life rather than efficiency fascinated warlords. Consumption of food is just
a piece of life, but it is a significant part of life. In this point, the
advancement of technology related to diet can mean the cause of degradation of
think we control technology to improve our lives but, as is often said, the
fact is that technology controls us and make our lives miserable. We think that
now that we can prepare food easily and quickly, we can have more free time and
enjoy life, but actually we have more work to do than before and are getting
worn out. Before, we used to eat the same kind of food almost every day. Now,
because it is possible, we think we need to eat different dishes every day to
enjoy life. It might have become an obsession. We make ourselves prepare a
variety of good food every day because technology allows us to do it. This is,
honestly, tiring. A farmer’s wife was not blamed for serving the same food every
day 50 years ago and even a white-collar household having curry three days in a
row was not unusual, which makes many of us envious, I suppose. Of course, it
is fun to have many different eating experiences every day, but it makes us
insensitive to changes. For example, feasts for seasonal events are not the
feast anymore. As we eat delicious and rare food daily, due to development of
technology, feast is not an annual treat anymore, and you order the feast from
the store. Making feasts takes time and effort. Thus, it is regarded as a
labor. It is not an entertainment in disguise of preparation for a celebration anymore.
In this way, we are losing the substance of our food cultures. Above all, the
joy of taking time to get dinner ready is lost.
development of technology has done a lot of good to many aspects of our lives,
but when it comes to preparing food, I doubt that it is good for our lives in
general because it is making eating no more than consumption. To me, a quality
life is in such a scene as he sings “Curry and Rice” with his guitar while she
cooks the namesake, first cutting vegetables and then boiling them with meat
with him repeating the song and smiling at her.
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