
Pre-TOEFL writing, There is nothing that young people can teach older people.

Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is nothing that young people can teach older people. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Let’s Think
When you say “There is nothing that someone can do,” you mean that there is no exception in the absence of the things that someone can do. However, most things have an exception or two.

Young people have some good points that older people lack. Then they may have something that they can teach older people because of the good points.

People keep learning as they live, so the older they get, the more they know. However, people also forget things as they live. Moreover, they usually do not learn things that are unrelated to their lives.

Hints for Points
1.    Young people have more information about new things. For example, many older people learn from young people how to use a technology or meaning of some newly coined words or expressions. 

2.    Younger generations are more tolerant than older generations. They have less discriminations against those who are different from them or those who have ideas that are different from theirs.

3.    Young people have the power to believe in something and try to change the world. Thus, they can make older people keep trying and never give up. 

4.    Young mind is softer, so the young can teach older people the importance of gentleness.

Sample description:
Young mind is softer, so young people can teach older people the importance of gentleness. As people get old, their minds become hardened by the stress of daily lives. They trust or feel pity for others less often than before. However, seeing a young person with heart-warming attitudes or behaviors, adults are reminded of the existence of plain goodness, or humanity. In other words, they are taught by the young that it is vital not to lose gentleness till they die.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineI agree/disagree with the statement that there is nothing that young people can teach older people. There are two/three examples that I can give to prove my opinion.

Point 1


Point 2


Point 3/ Follow-up


Conclusion = Wrap-up


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Pre-TOEFL writing, friends who are different from you or friends who are similar to you

Writing Topic
Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?

Hints for Points
Advantages of having friends who are different from you:
They widen your views, take you to places you usually do not go to, make you learn the fact that there are many kinds of people in this world, help you start new things, help you learn how to socialize, and make you patient.

Sample description: By socializing with people different from you, you can grow as a person more than by socializing with people similar to you. People who are similar to you are like your family, so you learn little about social skills. However, when you try to make friends with and get along with people who have little in common with you, you have to use your mind. Trying to understand their behaviors that are unfamiliar to you or attempting to communicate with them will make you a person who is easy to be with.

Advantages of having friends who are similar to you
They make you feel relaxed because they need little explanation to understand you, are easy to hang around with because they share a lot with you, and will stand by you when you are in trouble more readily than those who are different from you.

Sample description: Having congenial friends makes your life full of good times because you can do many things enjoyably together with them. You can go out with them and have an exciting and yet relaxing time together, you can exchange information about your mutual hobbies, and you can keep talking about almost anything forever. This kind of friends can often be your life-time friends because you feel comfortable to spend time with them and over time both of you will develop attachment to each other.

Your Sample Body Structure Notes
Advantages of having friends who are different from you

e. g.

Advantages of having friends who are similar to you

e. g.

My choice and the reason


早稲田国際教養AO入試 The Rise of Farming



第1段落  狩猟採集生活から農耕生活への移行が進んだ要因は主に5つある。どれが最重要なのかは論争中だ。
2段落  気候変動や乱獲による食用の大型哺乳類の減少・絶滅。
3段落  栽培可能な食用植物の増加。
4段落  農業技術(知識と道具・設備)の発展。
5段落  人口増加と生産性の向上。
6段落  メソポタミアにおける農業の開始はこれら4つの要因がそろった紀元前8,500年ごろであった。
7段落  農耕民族の増加(①狩猟採集民族の追放または殺害  ②農耕生活の採用)
8段落  農耕民族による狩猟採集民族の駆逐または狩猟採集生活から農耕生活への採用または移行


問2  この文章は狩猟採集生活から食糧生産への移行における5つの要因を特定しています。それぞれを簡潔に説明してください。
本文該当箇所  1段落 However, five main contributing factors can still be identified; the controversies revolve mainly around their relative importance. しかし5つの主要な要因がそれでも特定可能だ。論争があるのはその相対的重要性についてである。 第2段落 One factor is the decline in the availability of wild foods.ひとつの要因は野生食物が手に入りにくくなったことだ。Most large mammal species became extinct in North and South America at the end of the Ice Age; in Eurasia and Africa, some became extinct because of climate changes, others because of the rise in skill and numbers of human hunters. 南北アメリカでは大半の大型哺乳類が氷河期末期に絶滅した。ユーラシアでとアフリカでは気候変動で絶滅したものもあれば人間の技術と数上昇により絶滅したものもあった。第3段落  A second factor is that, just as the reduction in the number of wild animals tended to make hunting-gathering less rewarding, and increased availability of domesticable wild plants made steps leading to plant domestication more rewarding. 別の要因は、ちょうど野生動物の減少により狩猟採集生活が以前ほど報われなくなったように、栽培可能な野生植物がより多く手に入るようになったことにより植物の栽培への歩みがより報われるようになった。  第4段落Still another factor tipping the balance away from hunting-gathering was the cumulative development of technologies on which food production would eventually depend technologies for collecting, processing, and storing wild foods. 狩猟採集を不利にしたまた別の要因は、食糧生産が最終的に頼りとする技術(野生植物を集めて加工し保存する技術)の蓄積した発展だった。第5段落 A fourth factor was the two-way link between the rise in human population density and the rise in food production. 四つ目の要因は人口密度の増加と食料の生産性増加の双方向のつながりだ。In principle, one expects the chain of causation to operate in both directions. 原則として、一連の因果関係が双方向に働いたと予測される。 第6段落Taken together, these four factors help us understand why the transition to food production in the Fertile Crescent began around 8,500 B.C., not around 18,500 or 28,500 B.C.  総合して考えると、これら4つの要因のおかげで、紀元前18,500年や28,500年ごろではなく紀元前8,500ごろに肥沃な三日月地帯で食糧生産への移行が起こった理由が分かりやすくなる。第7段落A final factor in the transition became decisive at geographic boundaries between hunter-gatherers and food producers. 以降への最後のひとつの要因は狩猟採集生活者と食料生産者との地理的教会で決定的になった。The much denser populations of food producers enables them to displace or kill hunter-gatherers by their sheer numbers, not to mention the other advantages associated with food production(including technology, germs, and professional soldiers) . 食料生産者のずっと高い人口密度により、技術や細菌、職業的兵士を含む食糧生産関連んお他の利点は言うまでもなく圧倒的な数により狩猟生活者を追い出したり殺したりすることが可能になった。In areas where there were only hunter-gatherers to begin with, those groups of hunter-gatherers who adopted food production out bred those who didn’t.  狩猟採集生活者しかいなかった地域では食糧生産を採用したものの方がしなかったものよりも速く増えた。第9段落  As a result, in most areas of the globe suitable for food production hunter-gatherers met one of two fates: either they were displaced by neighboring food producers, or else they survived only by adopting food production themselves. その結果、食糧生産に適した地球の大半の地域で狩猟採集生活者は二つの運命の一方にあった: 隣接する食料生産者に取って代わられるかそうでなければ自分たち自身が食糧生産を採用することによってのみ生き延びた。 In places where they were already numerous or where geography delayed immigration by food producers, local hunter-gatherers did have time to adopt faming in prehistoric times and thus to survive as farmers. 狩猟採集生活者が既に多数だった地域または地理的要因により食料生産者の移住が遅れた地域では、地元の狩猟採集生活者は有史以前に農業を採用する時間があり従って農業をして生き延びることができた。

問3  定住農業を採用していない地域がまだあります。なぜだと思いますか。
考え方  (1) 本文の5つの要因が当てはまらない場合を考えてみる。() 野生の食糧があり農耕民族から攻められなかった山奥の少数民族 (2) 知っている具体例から原因を考えてみる。() サハラ砂漠の遊牧民は何千年も通商と放牧による移動を続けている。これは農耕民族にとって砂漠は無価値であり、通商で利益を得たからだと考えられる。

解答のポイント例  One reason might be that some people have neither needed nor have they been forced to adopt farming. People may have just stayed the same as hunter-gatherers where they have had enough wild food and have been geographically isolated. Some peoples in the rain forests are the example. Another reason might have been hostile nature and an economic factor. Nomads in the Sahara desert have lived on cattle milk, trading products from a place to another around the desert for thousands of years. The harsh environment of the desert does not allow agriculture and no food producers were interested in the land. Rather they were interested in the commodities like salt those nomads carried. 

Pre-TOEFL writing, Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn.

Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Hints for Points         
1.    The part of the statement “paid according to how much” indicates competition principle, in other words, principle of market mechanism: having providers of goods and services compete will facilitate their higher quality and lower price.
3.    The expression “how much their students learn” allows a wide range of interpretation from raising test scores to attaining real learning. The former can be quantified but the latter cannot.

4.    Teachers will make more efforts if they are paid according to their students’ performances.

5.    Today’s world is based on competition and school reflects it. In the end, teachers are required to improve the test results of their students.

6.    School is not a business. Cram school teachers are paid according to the test results of their students as a rule because they are in business, but school teachers in general are for more than test results.

7.    It is impossible to measure the result of school education. School teachers not only teach subjects but also teach about life and society. They help students grow up to be good and happy adults. Also, each student is unique and learning is personal.

8.    To raise test scores, teachers will focus more on memorization than though process and understanding of the whole picture. They also tend to increase the amount of homework, which can have adverse effects on the overall development of the students.

9.    Test scores do not always reflect the skills and efforts of teachers. There are many other factors that decide students’ performances such as learning capacity and timing of introduction of a certain subject.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3 / Follow-up

Conclusion = Wrap-up


Pre-TOEFL writing, Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, e-mail, or telephone calls

Writing Topic
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, e-mail, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details ot support your answer.

Let’s Think
Thinking of which type of communication you often use or prefer and why you do it may help brainstorm the points for the essay on this question. You could also sort out the situations in which either type of communication is used and the merits of the choice. Let’s not forget to make comparisons even though it is not required. To prove one is better than the other, comparison is necessary.

Sample Body Structures
Here are two samples of many ways of dealing with choices in the writing topic to make a framework of the body of your full essay.

Sample Body Structure 1  Point by point comparison of choices in terms of situations
   (1) Point 1: Comparison of the two in intimate communication
   (2) Point 2: Comparison of the two in non-intimate communication
   (3) Your idea

Intimate communicationIn intimate communication, face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication. Communication involves not only language but also non-verbal communication such as facial expression and tone of voice. Seeing someone in person provides all of these ingredients and helps mutual understanding and guarantees satisfaction of the interaction. E.g. Telling a good news to your beloved.
Non-intimate communicationIn non-intimate communication, face-to-face communication is not always necessary. E.g. Reporting the result of a simple task to a busy person who has given the task to you
Your ideaEven in business, important issues are discussed face-to-face. When it is impossible, phone is used and email is the last choice. This shows that face-to-face communication is the best of all types of communication.

Sample Body Structure 2  Developing images of each choice (You write about each choice separately)
    (1) About face-to-face communication                            
    (2) About other types of communication
    (3) Your idea

About face-to-face communicationFace-to-face communication serves to build trust and bond. E.g. first-time meeting with someone
About other types of communicationTexts and rings not only supplement communication but also promote logical and deep thinking because you can focus on words. E.g. Choosing words carefully when presenting a new idea
Your ideaMost things have both good points and bad points and this is also true with this comparison. Face-to-face communication is not always better than other types of communication.

♦Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3/ Follow-up

Conclusion = Wrap-up


Pre-TOEFL writing, a piece of jewelry or tickets to a concert

Writing Topic: You have received a gift money. The money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry you like or tickets to a concert you want to attend. Which would you buy? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Let’s Think
For most male students, jewelry might be something of their least interest, so replacing a piece of jewelry with a watch might help make comparisons with concert tickets. You can buy a piece of jewelry for either yourself or someone else. The word “tickets” is in the plural, which means that you can go to a concert with someone or some people.

Sample Essay Structures
 Sample Essay Structure A
Introduction = OutlineAn old TV advertisement catch phrase was “memory rather than material” and I totally agree with the idea. Given the choice between a piece of jewelry and tickets to a concert, I would definitely buy the latter. It will transform my mind and helps share joy with my friend.
Good Point 1A good concert enthralls the audience. Listening to a live performance by an artist you like profoundly affects your spirit. For example, when I came out of a concert of my favorite group, I was literally someone else. All the stress of everyday living was gone because of the encounter of a unique world of pure minds. The experience gave me energy to live. A concert helps you see your life in different, positive ways.
Good Point 2Going to a concert with your friend will help deepen the relationship. It gives you chances to interact with your friend in different ways than usual. All the interactions from making the arrangement to waiting in a line together in front of the venue before the doors open, to exchanging smiles during the show and going home together talking about the show will strengthen the bond.
Why bad points do not matterIt is true that a concert is not a concrete thing like a piece of jewelry, but a good experience will not disappear but stay in your mind forever.
Conclusion = Wrap-upGoing to a concert helps enrich your life. This is a trick that an object cannot do. Therefore, I would rather go to a concert with my friend than buy a jewel if I received some money.

Sample Essay Structure B
Introduction = OutlineA precious stone might have many meanings to other people, but it is just a stone to me for now. On the other hand, I find tickets to a concert invaluable. I would certainly buy tickets to a concert, not a piece of jewelry, if I have received a gift money.
In the case of jewelryA piece of jewelry would be a reminder of the person who gave you the gift money to buy it. You can use a piece of jewelry repeatedly while you can use tickets to a concert only once. By wearing the jewelry, you can show your affection to the person who gave it to you. In the case of giving the jewelry to someone, you can make the person happy for two reasons. One is the joy of owning a good piece of accessory and the other is the joy of receiving a good jewel from someone she or he likes, which makes you even happier..
In the case of a concertA good concert gives you a life-time memory. You can share the memory with the person you went to the concert with. If the concert is a famous one, you could share the experience with people all over the world even when you become old.
My choice and the reasonUsing the money for tickets is sharing joy with others while buying a piece of jewelry only satisfies the desire to possess something good unless you get it for someone else. As I have no one that I want to please by giving a gem to, I would spend the gift money to go to a concert with my friend.
Conclusion = Wrap-upI would buy tickets to a concert because I would like to have a good time with my friend.

Your Sample Body Structure A
Point 1

Point 2

Why bad points do not matter

Sample Body Structure B
In the case of jewelry

In the case of a concert

My choice and the reason