
国際教養AO入試 reference, news and issues 2015 -rewrite-

1.    NEWS: Komura: Security bills to deter ‘real threat’ 
POINTS & CASES: the military threat of other countries, the US request of the Japanese involvement in the counterattack operations against potential enemies, deterrent. conscription system, Constitution, the Supreme Court decision, collective self-defense, renunciation of war, Article 9, amendment, terrorists, expatriate employees and their families, involvement in wars and invasions by the US, rescue operations in disasters, military-industrial complex, imperialistic operations, soft power, pacifist nation
Task: Summarize the explanation of Mr. Komura.
Question: What are you most concerned about this change of the Japanese security policy? What should be done to avoid it now that the security bill is passed?

2.    Refugee crisis was caused by a careless West that allowed anarchy and fear to take root in the Middle East   The Independent  (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/refugee-crisis-was-caused-by-a-careless-west-that-allowed-anarchy-and-fear-to-take-root-in-the-middle-east-10509173.html)
Migrant Crisis: What else could Europe try? BBC World Service, The Inquiry
POINTS & CASES: IS, Iraq-Afghan wars, Arab Spring, civil wars, globalization, immigrants, economic refugees, displaced people, Japanese immigration policy, aging society, discrimination
Question: Is there anything that Japan can do for refugees and immigrants?

POINTS & CASES the wealth gap, globalization, consumerism, sweatshop, fair trade
QUESTION: Slaves exist since ancient times. Do you think we can do without exploiting and abuses?

4.    NEWS: Heirs to the Rockefeller family, which made its vast fortune from oil, are to sell investments in fossil fuels and reinvest in clean energy. BBC NEWS
Freeze fossil fuel extraction to stop climate crimes (http://350.org/climate-crimes/)
POINTS & CASES: global warming, CO2 in the atmosphere, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment report, obligation of rich countries, international cooperation, ongoing oil mining projects, emerging economies, population growth, recycling
QUESTION: Do you think moves to stop drilling fossil fuel are significant?

5.    NEWS: Farmers from across Japan staged a protest in Tokyo on Tuesday over signs that the Japanese government will soon sign on to join negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership "free-trade" agreement with the U.S. and other nations.   The Japan times
POINTS CASES: free trade, protectionism, Korean FTA and NAFTA, domestic producers, self-sufficiency, regulations, financial meltdown, social welfare, environment, copy-rights, investor-state disputes (ISD)
QUESTION:  Who do you think would benefit most from TPP?

6.    ISSUE: Has Austerity Worked? BBC World Service, The Inquiry (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02vdbjk)
Noam Chomsky: Austerity is just class war
POINTS & CASES: stimulus, punish the weak, international community,
QIESTOPN: Which would you choose austerity or stimulus if Japan were in the same situation as Greece?

7.    ISSUE: Can we learn to live with nuclear power? BBC World Service, The Inquiry
Japan restarts first nuclear reactor since Fukushima disaster
POINTS & CASES: Chernobyl disaster, Three Mile Island disaster, meltdown, radiation, other energy sources, global warming, the industry, saving on electricity, changing lifestyle
QUESTION: What can we do to transform our society into one free from nuclear power plants?

8.    NEWS: In July, 2014, the UN’s human-rights committee demanded that Japan add hate speech to legislation banning racial discrimination.
POINTS: long history of discrimination against non-naturalized Koreans, xenophobia, globalization, bullying, war-time sex slaves (comfort women) issue, violence, freedom of expression
QUESTION: Do you think this is a fair demand or not. Why?

9.    NEWS: Satire  The first cover of Charlie Hebdo after the shooting featured a man who looked like Mohammad holding the “Je suis Charlie” under the expression, “Everything is forgiven.”
POINTS & CASES violence, satire, freedom of expression, anti-Islamism, feelings of Muslims, hypocrisy of the world leaders who participated in the Paris rally
QUESTION: What message do you think the cartoonist who drew it send?

10.  Why ISIS Murdered Kenji Goto / Japan at a Crossrlads (The New Yorker)
Should Anyone Ever Talk to IS?  BBC World Service, the Inquiry
POINTS & CASES religious cult, no yield to terrorism, ransom as funding source, international society (developed countries), Japanese militarization, PM’s speech to support Israel and paying $0.2 billion, for humanitarian purposes, self-responsibility, life above everything else, 1970’s hijacking of a JAL plane
QUESTION: What can we do for Kenji Goto to be able to rest in peace?

11.  NEWS: Kawasaki teen murder highlights hardships faced by single parents in Japan
POINTS & CASES wealth gap, child poverty, single mother, welfare programs, community, volunteer. education, competition, breakdown of the community and family relations, materialism
QUESTION: What is necessary not to repeat this kind of tragedy?

12.  ISSUE: Is There A New Nuclear Arms Race? BBC World Service, The Inquiry
Task: Summarize the podcast of this title.

13.  Crowdsourcing data analysis: Do soccer referees give more red cards to dark skin toned players?
Crowdsourcing research can balance discussions, validate findings and better inform policy, say Raphael Silberzahn and Eric L. Uhlmann.   Posted by Andrew on 27 January 2015 
Task A: Discuss the result of this research giving examples that you think are related.

Task B: What kind of problems can you expect in crowdsourcing data analysis in general?


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