
国際教養学部AO入試 news, issues, and points 2014

Read the news or issues below and write a one-paragraph essay on the following questions using some of the points given.

1.    NEWS: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe confirmed Tuesday that the government will raise the consumption tax rate from the current 5 percent to 8 percent from April 2014.

a.    Do you think this tax raise proper?
POINTS tax rates in other countries, no tax on foods in the countries with high consumption tax rates, progressive taxation, public welfare, economic slowdown, corporate tax cuts

b.    What are the problems of the capitalist democracy?
POINTS plutocracy, bailouts, deregulations, short-term interest pursuit, reduction of research and development, income inequality, neglect on the protection of the environment

2.    NEWS: The Nobel Prize Committee has officially nominated war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize.

a. Do you think this nomination proper?
POINTS soft power, today’s political climate, terrorism, development aid, domestic issues

b.    Is this award technically meaningful?
POINTS questionable laureates and nominees in the past, public appeal

3.    NEWS: The historic change in security policy that will let the Japanese military use force under the right to collective self-defense has been approved by the cabinet.

a. Do you think it proper for the cabinet having approved the change?
POINTS democracy, involvement in wars not directly related to Japanese affairs especially American issues, conscription, reduction of Japanese soft power, terrorism, development aid, domestic issues

b.    In what way do you think Japan should play a role in today’s world?
POINTS development aid, humanitarian aid, domestic issues, nuclear disarmament, cultural exchanges,  the environment

4.    NEWS: In July, the UN’s human-rights committee demanded that Japan add hate speech to legislation banning racial discrimination.

a.    Do you think this is a fair demand or not. Why?
POINTS: long history of discrimination against non-naturalized Koreans, xenophobia, globalization, bullying, war-time sex slaves (comfort women) issue, violence, freedom of expression

b.    Are people in Japan losing their moral values?
POINTS education, competition, corruption, breakdown of the community, family relations, materialism, public manners, religion, the Internet

5.    NEWS: Heirs to the Rockefeller family, which made its vast fortune from oil, are to sell investments in fossil fuels and reinvest in clean energy.

a.    Do you think this move is significant?
POINTS: the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) fifth assessment report, obligation of rich countries, Kyoto protocol

b.    What else is necessary to help impact the mitigation of the global warming other than huge funds directed to sustainable energies?
POINTS: international cooperation, ongoing oil mining projects, emerging economies, population growth, consumerism, recycling

6.    NEWS: Farmers from across Japan staged a protest in Tokyo on Tuesday over signs that the Japanese government will soon sign on to join negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership "free-trade" agreement with the U.S. and other nations.

POINTS: democracy, free trade, protectionism, Korean FTA and NAFTA, domestic producers, self-sufficiency, regulations, financial meltdown, social welfare, environment, copy-rights, investor-state disputes (ISD)

a. Who do you think would benefit most from TPP?

b. Would Japanese society drastically change due to the TPP?


Sample point sentences and sample essays:  英検1級作文 解答例http://www.cel-eigo.com/contents/essay/

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