
国際教養学部AO入試 (早稲田、上智、国際教養) 補助教材 TPP

Read the following excerpts from a website and answer the following questions.

Sample Answer
The TPP favors the corporation at the expense of public welfare and environment of the Pacific region. It is an agreement between the United States and 11 other countries around the Pacific Ocean. Most of it would set rules on non-trade matters that affect our daily lives. Our domestic policies would be required to comply with the TPP rules. The national treasury would be reduced by the law suits filed by corporations, and avoidance of it would lead to more cases of weaker public protections by the government.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Undermine Democracy
The TPP has not been made open to public even though it is directly and extensively related to our daily lives. It has been negotiated by corporations, is strongly binding, and technically irreversible. Under TPP, corporations can sue the country claiming the loss caused by the law of the country in investor-state disputes (ISD) and get the tax money as compensation.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Undermine Internet Freedom
Copy right rules on the Internet would be so strict that downloading contents for personal use can be illegal and subject to a fine or ban on internet use. Copyright protection period will be extended to 120 years or more. These changes would hamper innovation.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Undermine Public Services
Regulations on public services with charges would be changed following the TPP so that corporations providing the same services can compete with them. This could cause less access to the services that the public has enjoyed for low fees. Water bills can double. The utilities would be put before citizens. Any attempts of the government to protect its citizens from corporations could end up its forking out compensation to the company in ISD.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Undermine Food Safety
Regulations on both domestic and imported foods would be loosened and undermine the food safety. Inspections on the imports and regulations on labels would be made as low as those of the countries the exporters belong to.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Public Health
Medicine prices would be raised and generic drugs would be less available, which would be lethal to the poor both in the developing and developed countries. The TPP tribunal court could enable a pharmaceutical company to sue the government on patent laws and those to protect public health.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Threaten the Environment
Natural gas production would be accelerated and pollute the air and water. The TPP would weaken domestic laws protecting the environment through ISD.

TPP Would Roll Back the Financial Regulations Needed to Avoid Another Crisis
The TPP would empower banks to lift bans on dangerous financial practices and could cause another world financial meltdown. Deregulation and reform prevention through the TPP would make possible the sales of bad commodities such as derivatives and make it difficult to prevent the spread of risk, both of which were the factors of the latest economic depression. Capital control, which is a key tool to block or soften financial crises, would be banned. Speculation tax elimination would make the market volatile and reduce the money for public welfare.

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