Wring Topic
Which would you choose: a
high-paying job with long working hours or a lower-paying job with shorter
working hours? Support your response by including specific reasons and
When you look around you and try to see which of
these two working conditions most people choose, the answer seems to be easy.
Most people want to be hired as a full-time worker because this type of
employment system is better paid than part-time workers though the working
hours are longer. Regular workers usually work at least 8 hours a day 5 or 6
days a week, although the actual working hours are often much longer because of
overtime work, sometimes unpaid.
Students and housewives prefer part-time jobs to
study or raise children respectively other than time for work. Jobs that they
can find are usually not high-paying as the tasks do not require much
Actually, other than the two types of the working
conditions in this writing topic, there is another type of workers who are called
the working poor. Their wages are so low that they have to work more than ten
hours a day or work at two different places a day to make ends meet. This means
that they work the same hours as or longer than full-time workers but make
less. The number of this type of hiring practice is increasing as companies try
to cut costs. Reality bites.
However, you do not have to deal with this problem
here as this question is a two-alternative question―note that the second choice says a LOWER-paying job, not a LOW-paying
job. Standing on the premises of subsistence guaranteed, it asks you which of
the two you prioritize, money or time, and why.
for Points
I choose a high-paying job
with long working hours because …
It seems that it is common sense to choose a job
with regular working hours. I would like to be a respected citizen. I would
like to wear a business suit and work from 9 to 5 on week days and enjoy
leisure time spending some money on my favorite activities on weekends.
I like working. I have some job I would like to land
on when I graduate. If I find the job of my dream, I would spend as much time
as I can to learn the job, increase my knowledge, and improve my skills.
I need money. Some people might view my desire as
materialistic, but I would like to live in a safe and comfortable place, wear
decent clothes, and eat safe food as much as possible to live a long healthy
life. I think this desire of mine is rather humble.
I choose a lower-paying job
with shorter working hours because …
I would like to continue my study over the next ten
years. I would like to pass a few tests. I also would like to see the world.
I just cannot work regularly. I am not inclined to
long working hours. This does not mean that I am lazy. I have a strong power of
concentration, while my body clock is just not attuned to the regular life
Even if you have a lot of money, if you do not have
time to spend it to make you feel you are alive, it is a waste.
☆Essay Structure
♦Sample essay structure in the case that you
have two or three reasons to support your argument
【Introduction = Outline】 主張と理由の概略
【Point 1】理由1の詳細
【Point 2】理由2の詳細
【Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment】理由3の詳細または反論の処理
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】結論
♦Your Sample Essay Structure
Sample 1
【Introduction = Outline】
I would choose a high-paying job with long working hours
because I would like to be wealthy.
【Point 1】
A respectable person makes a lot of money by
working energetically.
【Point 2】
I have a hard-working nature.
【Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment】
Although the saying goes, “All work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy, I would like to enjoy a high standard of living.
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】
play and adults work. I will work and enjoy life to the utmost when I graduate.
Sample 2
【Introduction = Outline】
I would choose a lower-paying job with shorter working
hours because time is life as the author of Momo
【Point 1】
I do not want to be a cog in a machine.
【Point 2】
My lifestyle does not require a lot of money.
【Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment】
Life of part-time workers is precarious, but
the situation where regular workers are in is not so different from that of
part-time workers. The company can go bankrupt or they can lose their job if
they become seriously ill. Unless you become a millionaire, you cannot have a
safe and secure life, and I have no will to join this jungle-law game, meaning
it is better for me to be eaten than to eat someone else.
【Conclusion = Wrap-up】
To stay as human as
possible in this modern world of insanity, I would be happy to be less paid and
have more leisure time.
the structure of your essay
Now let’s make the
structure of your essay. Write down key words and expressions for the
introduction, each paragraph of the body, and the conclusion. Making the
structure first and then developing each part will make it easy to finish in
a lower-paying job with shorter working hours
Reasons: 1)
freer 2) humble lifestyle 3) no worries about disasters
Reason 1: I do not want to be a cog in a machine.
e.g. the
movie, Modern Times
Reason 2: My lifestyle does not require a lot of money.
e.g. little
interest in food, fashion, and goods
Reason 3: Both types of working conditions are
e.g. bankruptcy, illness
To stay as human
as possible in this modern world of insanity, I would be happy to be less
paid and have more leisure time.
Note: What you write in the
introduction and the conclusion are the same. Also, the reasons you provide in
the introduction are the same that are dealt with in the body. Although you
could use exactly the same words and expressions, using different words and
expressions for the same idea is preferable. The body is the detail of the
introduction. The conclusion is the sum-up of the body. You could make a full
introduction, which is complete with the hook, background, and the thesis, but
sticking with writing at least the thesis is safe since you have only thirty
minutes to finish the essay.
Your sample essay
Your choice
Reasons: 1) 2) 3)
About Reason
About Reason 2)
About Reason
1.Writing Topicの確認: 課題を正確に読みとり要求されている解答内容をイメージします。
2.Brainstorming: 課題に関して思いつくことを書き出します。(頭の中にある材料を頭の外に出して整理しやすくする作業です。)
3.構成: Brainstormingで書き出した材料を整理してエッセイの基本構造に合う形にします。(1)同じ事項に関するものは同じ段落に集めます。(2)段落を重要な順に並べ替えます。
4.書く: 構成でできた段落(本論)に導入と結論の段落をつけ、実際の文章にします。
5.見直し: 論旨の矛盾、説明不足、構文・つづり・句読点等のミスをチェックします。
(thesis), body, conclusionと呼ばれます。
(thesis) 導入
理由=body 本論
結論=conclusion 結論
この基本構造に沿ったエッセイの構成を上記のWriting Topicを使って示すと例えば以下のようになります。
lower-paying job with shorter working hours
Reasons: 1)
freer 2) humble lifestyle 3) no worries about disasters
Reason 1: I do not want to be a cog in a machine.
e.g. the
movie, Modern Times
Reason 2: My lifestyle does not require a lot of money.
e.g. little
interest in food, fashion, and goods
Reason 3: Both types of working conditions are
e.g. bankruptcy, illness
To stay as human as possible in this modern world
of insanity, I would be happy to be less paid and have more leisure time.
Test Writingクラスでは実際にエッセイを書いて練習していますが、ここでは良い英文エッセイを書くために日頃やってみると良いことをいくつか挙げてみます。
☆良い英文をたくさん習慣的に読み、英語のニュースやインタビュー番組を利用する: 文章の達人と言われる人たちが良い文章を書くコツを尋ねられて必ず言及するのが「良い文章をたくさん読む。」ということです。英会話でネイティブスピーカーの話をたくさん聞くと英語が口から出やすくなるのと同様、知的刺激のあるきちんとした文章を夢中になって読む習慣や英語のニュースやインタビュー番組およびそのPodcastなどを毎日聞く習慣があると、作文の際にふさわしい表現や内容の展開を思いつきやすくなります。覚えてやろうと思うのではなく感心し感動しながら読むことが大切です。
☆英文読後日記をつける: 英字新聞・雑誌の記事を読んだ後、要約・感想を各1~2文の英文にします。表現力がつくと共に書く材料集めにもなります。まず口で言って見て次に書いて確認をしましょう。Speakingの訓練にもなります。
☆話し言葉と書き言葉は違うということを意識する: 話し言葉と書き言葉は別物です。日本語でも話し言葉と書き言葉を区別するように英語でもwritten
☆きちんとした英語を書く訓練をする: エッセイの評価項目の一番下(文法、つづり、句読点他)がweakまたはsatisfactoryの下のほうの人はきちんとした英文を書く訓練が必要です。
☆推敲を重ねる: 推敲を重ねるほど次に一度でよい文章を書くことができるようになります。返却された添削済み答案は、訂正されたところやアドバイスなどを参考にしながら書き直してください。文法やつづりミスは同じミスを繰り返さなくなるまで何度でも書き直しましょう。
☆手本の書写と要約: 文法・表現力の評価が3になることが多い人はテキストやBarron’sのWriting for the TOEFL iBT等のsample
--- チェックしておくと参考になる本・雑誌・新聞・番組・ホームページなど
Now!とThe Real News: インディペンデント局。主流メディアでは聞けない重要課題を毎回取り上げます。
♦The Young Turks: YouTube上のニュース局。 頭脳明晰で人間的で面白い元弁護士Cenk氏がホストです。
♦National Public Radio : アメリカのラジオ局。All Things Consideredでは興味深い話が多数聞けます。
♦Voice of America: アメリカのラジオ局。HPでニュースを閲覧したりPodcastをダウンロードしたりできます。ニュースが簡潔にまとめられています。
♦Al Jazeeraの英語放送: 中東関連はこの局でチェックしましょう。CM無し。world newsもあります。
♦BBC のpodcast: ”World, Have Your Say”という視聴者参加討論番組がargumentの参考になります。聞き方のコツは共感する意見が出た時にその表現に注意して聞くことです。
♦NatureとScience のpodcast: 科学雑誌NatureとScienceのpodcast では一般の人にも分かる形で科学関連ニュースを発表しています。温暖化、食料・水危機、公害、幹細胞研究、宇宙探査、米政府の科学研究援助方針など地球・人類にとって重要な問題を多数取り上げています。Transcriptもあります。
Yomiuri: 日本国内のニュースを英文で読んで表現の仕方を学びましょう。
♦In These Times:不正・不平等・人権問題等に関して一般の人々の視点からの取材を丁寧に行っています。
♦MICHAELMOORE.com: アカデミー賞、スタインベック賞などを受賞した映画監督のホームページです。政治・社会問題をユーモアを交えて取り上げています。言葉使いよりも内容を参考にしましょう。
♦High School Newspaper: 政治意識の強い高校生のための高校生によるWeb新聞です。
♦The New Yorker on the Web: 週代わりで現代作家の短編小説が掲載されます。
Best American Essays: 前年に出版されたエッセイのベスト版です。編者が毎年変わります。
♦Writing for the TOEFL iBT, Barron’s: 実際のTOEFL Writing の課題を使ったsample essaysが100以上掲載されている参考書兼問題集。構成・内容・語彙の参考になります。
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