
Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay; the more college graduates, the better?))

Topic: Some people believe that a college or university diploma has become far less meaningful than before, with ever larger percentages of people receiving higher-levels of education. Others believe that it is a positive development to have increasing numbers of students graduating from college. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with?

Essay for ideas and expressions:

I share the view that it is a positive development to have increasing numbers of college graduates because higher education improves both individuals and society. Depreciation of college diplomas in competition is the problem on a personal level.

It is true that as more people go to college the value of a college diploma becomes relatively lower in competition, primarily in job-hunting. It is a serious matter but only for the competitors. It might be discouraging if what higher education gives you were just that. However, university education gives you more than just an advantage in competition. At university, you study a wide spectrum of subjects as well as your majors, and through the intellectual training in these courses, you learn to think in scientific ways, see things from multiple perspectives, and keep yourself informed and inspired. Also, the knowledge and skills you acquire will make your life easier and more enjoyable. A college diploma has the absolute value of so many years of study, and the increase of the number of people with it is fundamentally good for society.

Humans have survived and thrived by sharing and spreading knowledge, and thus the higher the education level of society becomes, the easier for its members to live. A county’s development is in proportion to its education level. Oppressors always make sure the oppressed stay uneducated. Also, chances of our survival and living happier lives will be higher if there are more experts in each field. For example, we are in dire need of them to tackle the threats we face now such as climate change, terrorist attacks with nuclear arms, financial crises, and pandemics, just to name a few. To say nothing of scientists, we need specialists to do away with terrorism, financial crimes, abuse and bullying, and other phenomena that seem to be related to the defects of modern society as well as human weakness. We also need people who can help everyone regain what is lost for the sake of efficiency and development in modernization and globalization and live a more fulfilling life. If there are more of these experts in governments and other organizations other than universities, society and its members will benefit more, and if there are more college students, there will be more people who will aspire to do these jobs in the future.

Perhaps things might not be so simple given that the smartest people in higher positions are often the cause of serious problems like corruption and fraud. But people cramming only for the purpose of having a lucrative job can be just another phenomenon in capitalism, and I think people and universities have great potential to improve society. Seeing the history of more people sharing information and knowledge leading to today’s prosperity, I believe more people going to college means many more good ideas for individual welfare and true development of society.

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