
上智大学国際教養学部公募推薦問題 傾向と対策


傾向                 身近な話題や時事問題に関連する普遍的テーマ、特に国際的な課題と大学の役割



出題年                 出題内容                                                        論点

2021         グレタの様に情熱を持って取り組みたい課題issue, vision, goal, general knowledge, value

Is there an issue that you want to solve like that of Grata Thunberg’s speech?

2020年     大学で作りたい学部                                      vision, goal, general knowledge, value

Write an essay in which you define your ideal university course.

2019         過去4年間に行った重大な選択とその影響   value, self-reflection, change, aspiration

What was the most important choice that you made in the past four years and what is its effect?

2018                リベラルアーツと現代社会の課題                 general knowledge, global challenge

In your opinion, what are the defining characteristics of a liberal arts education, and how does a liberal arts education help prepare individuals for the challenges they will face in the world today?

2017                政府開発援助額17年ぶりに増加                  global corporation

In our age of globalization, what can Japan contribute to the international community? Your answer may discuss Japan’s cultural, political, economic, scientific and/or other contribution.

2016                OECD加盟国先進国中日本の留学率最下位  globalization, development aid

According to the data issued by OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), the percentage of Japanese college students studying abroad while in college has been decreasing despite the globalization of college studies. Why do you think Japanese college students are reluctant to study abroad? Would more Japanese college students study abroad?

2015                大学改革                                                        university education

There are two views about the roles of universities: one emphasizes that universities should educate their students to be able to find a suitable job, and the other gives priority to the role of expanding their students’ mind to have a wider perspective of things. Discuss these two opinions

2014                2020年東京オリンピック招致                      big sporting events and their effect

Tokyo was chosen as the city to host the 2020 Summer Olympics, beating Istanbul and Madrid at the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s general session. Did you agree or disagree with IOC’s decision ot choose Tokyo over the two other candidates and shy? If you disagreed, which city would you have chosen  for what reasons? Will the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in 2020 be profitable or detrimental to this country, and what negative and positive consequences do you expect? How would you contribute to, or rather ovoid being involved in, the Olympics?


対策   志望理由書に書いた目標と関連事項関連の記事を毎日読んでまとめるUNSustainable Development Goalsを読んで全てのgoalをまとめる。補助問題集および英検1級筆記試験エッセイとTOEFL iBT Independent Writing のトピックを使用して実際に書く練習をする。(知識が足りない場合、英検1級エッセイの模範解答を読んで要約することと準1級エッセイを書くことを並行して行う)


Day 1 Homework

After the ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease is over, what should be the priorities of the Japanese government?

Hints for Points

1.     気候危機対策: 脱炭素、脱原発、消費行動を変えるための対策、災害対策、インフラ整備

2.     格差対策: 企業増税と消費税廃止、内需拡大、福祉拡大(育児無料サービス、大学無償化、医療費無料化等)

3.     平和外交: 憲法9条を守る。米中対立を和らげる。領土問題は譲歩。※軍産複合体を拡大させない

結論 新自由主義経済を終わらせ、気候危機と世界人口の増加及び高齢化社会に対応できる社会体制を作る。

Day 2 Homework 

Choose three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that you consider most important and explain the reason. How do you think Japan can contribute to achieve these goals?

Hints for Points

1.     Goal 7: Affordable clean energy 人口増加と気候変動、環境汚染に対応できる持続可能エネルギーおよび大気・水質汚染対策技術の開発。先進国日本として持続可能なエネルギー開発に協力

2.     Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities 気候変動により都市部に人口集中→都市計画が重要、災害国日本の都市計画を海外が参考にできる

3.     Goal 10 Raise your voice against discrimination 貧困、気候変動対策の遅れ、戦争、テロの根底に差別がある、外国人労働者受け入れ増等、国際化の中で差別対策を成功させることにより世界のお手本となる

結論  気候変動、地殻変動、グローバル化の中で一人でも多くの人が犠牲にならないように協力に貢献すべき

Day 3 Homework

The world has been experiencing a downturn in many aspects such as politics, economy, or moral. What do you want to do during your college years to contribute to rebuilding the world or Japanese society?

Hints for Points

1.       Get rid of politicians that are related to the Unification Church, which is an anti-social organization that has exploited many Japanese and has been trying to rule Japan through its authoritarianism, while fighting historical revisionism and promoting actions of apology for our past crime to people in neighboring countries.

2.       Organize young people who want to change politics in issues of their concern such as climate crisis, constitutional revision, economic policies, and disarmament.

3.       Run for a local public office, if there is a chance, to start a change in my own backyard.

Conclusion: Change from competition to corporation, from hate to love.


TOEFL iBT Which do you prefer, working for a large company or working for a small company? - revised -

Lesson 18 Writing Topic

Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



Let’s Think

1.     What are the advantages of hanging out with a small group of people?

What are the advantages of hanging out with a large group of people?


Note: When the writing topic is about something you are not familiar with, like working for a company in this writing topic, using an analogy can work, that is, thinking about something similar to the key word/idea in the topic. Hanging out with a large/small group of people may be similar to working for a large/small company. Thinking about them can help have a feel about the topic.


2.     What are you looking for in work?  Is it only money?



Hints for Points

The following ideas about the advantages and disadvantages of a large company and a small company are taken from the website called Lifehacker.


The Advantages of a Big Company

1.     You Have More Obvious Structure

When you enter a large company, you're taking part in a machine that's been around for a long time. As such, there is typically an established way of doing things. As soon as you walk in, you will know what your job is, how you fit into your department and over time you'll even learn the obvious pathways for promotions.


2.     The Benefits Packages Are Better

Larger companies, in general, are better about providing benefits like health insurance or retirement plans. The smaller a corporation's revenue is, the less likely it can afford to pay for benefits.


3.     You Can Switch Job Without Leaving

Large companies need a lot of people working a wide variety of jobs to operate. While your specific role may be specialized, it's possible to change positions and explore a new area without leaving the company.


The Problems at a Big Company

1.     Changes Happen Slowly

Shaking things up at a big company can take a lot of time. Even if your company is open to new ideas, getting your department to move to a new model or create a product can take a lot of time.


2.     You Won't Know Some Coworkers

No matter how social or friendly you are, if you work in a company with hundreds or even thousands of employees, it will be impossible to know everyone. Inevitably, some aspect of your job will be affected by someone you've never met. It may be the CEO, the head of payroll, or the legal department, but someone will make a decision that determines how you work and it may be difficult or even impossible to speak to that person directly.


3.     Your Fulfillment Can Be Determined by Your Surroundings

A related problem is that your success and happiness can be determined by where you are placed within the company. Working with a dysfunctional group can bring down the quality of your work, despite your best efforts. It may even affect your ability to move up in the company.


The Advantages of a Small Company

1.     Your Success is Visible

Unless you work near the top, accomplishing something significant at a large company will probably never reach the ears of the CEO. At a small company, however, great work can be seen by everyone. This makes it easier to distinguish yourself with certain skills. Your actions are also more significant.


2.     Your Company is More Agile

Being able to work closely with all of your coworkers doesn't just mean they can see you. You also have access to a lot more of the company's moving parts. Being able to speak directly to your upper management and voice concerns or pitch ideas can result in much faster movement. What may take days or weeks of submission and approval processes at a big company may take knocking on your boss's door at a small one.


3.     Your Responsibilities May be More Varied

In a smaller company, you may be required to exercise a different skill set without leaving your desk. Especially in a startup environment, you may be called on to fulfill more roles outside a narrowly-defined job description. One day you're working in Photoshop, the next you're diagnosing PC problems, and by Friday you're updating the company website. If you like using a variety of skills without changing jobs, a smaller company may be more suited to you.


The Problems at a Small Company

1.     Your Failure is Visible

When you make a mistake. Obviously, a good employee would want to minimize failure regardless of who can see, but it never feels good when the majority of your coworkers all know when you've made a mistake.

The Benefits Package Are Smaller


2.     As stated earlier, smaller companies typically don't have as extensive of a benefits package as

There May Be No Legal or HR Departments

Small companies often don't get around to setting up things like legal or human resources departments until they've been established for a while.



Your Sample Essay Structure



About a large company

About a small company

My Choice




Comparison 1

Comparison 2

My Choice




Reason 1

Reason 2

About Disadvantages




Sample Paragraph Development

Main IdeaMy morale will be higher if I work for a small company.

Supporting Detail (General)By working in a small company, I can see the whole operation.

Supporting Detail (Specific)I can hear the president making a phone call with a client or talking to managers. Then I can learn how the business is going or what will happen to a particular project.

Follow-upIn a big company, I work in a small team. My boss may explain how our job is related to the whole operation of the company, but it is difficult to feel that I am part of it.

ConclusionSense of belonging is stronger when you work for a small company, and this will be a great incentive for me to work hard.


Reading 18 Word List


1.      plantation                           大農園

2.      distinguish                         卓越する

3.      be commissioned as           ~に任命され

4.      fort                                      

5.      superintendent                  最高責任者

6.      cavalry                                騎兵隊

7.      regiment                             連隊

8.      colonel                                 大佐(発音注意)

9.      secede                                 脱退する

10.   the Union                            (南北戦争時の)北軍

11.   secession                             脱退

12.   tactician                              戦術家

13.   besiege                                包囲する

14.   demoralize                          士気の落ちた

15.   reconciliation                     調停

16.   enfranchisement                参政権を与える

17.   equestrian                          騎馬の



18.   sterile                                  不毛の

19.   vulnerable to                     ~に弱い(影響を受けやすい)

20.   correspond to                     ~と一致する



21.   nitrogen fixation                窒素固定

22.   nitrogen compound           窒素化合物

23.   legume                                マメ科植物

24.   family                                 

25.   decompose                          憤慨する

26.   inorganic                             無機の

27.   denitrify                              脱窒する











Robert E. Lee (1087 – 1870)  南北戦争での南軍の将軍   the Confederate 南部連合

brevet second lieutenant  名誉中尉   the Corps of Engineers  工兵隊   West Point  陸軍士官学校

Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865)  アブラハム・リンカーン  Civil War (1861 – 1865) 南北戦争

the Confederacy  南部連合国  Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863) ゲティスバーグの戦  

Lt Gen Ulysses S. Grant (1811 - 1885)  南北戦争での北軍の将軍



krill  オキアミ  salp  サルプ   



nitrate 硝酸エステル、硝酸塩  

the Haber process  ハーバー法(ハーバー・ボッシュ法)鉄を触媒とし、水素と窒素からアンモニアを生成する