
TOEFL iBT, Independent Writing, Paper Books or E-books? -partly rewritten-

Writing Topic

Consider the following statement. Computers can provide all the information that once could be found only in books, and therefore, it will not be long before electronic technology makes books unnecessary. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.


Hints for Points

Agree: information search … more efficient / thousands of books in an electronic reader / many functions that allow quicker and better learning

Disagree: no need for electricity / some information that cannot be digitized (copy right, when the book itself provides information) / more reliable information


Paragraph Development

Paragraph development is a key to making your essay convincing. If a paragraph has only one sentence or two, it lacks some essential sentences such as supporting details (background information), or the main idea. A sample of a paragraph development is as follows:


Main Idea  To represent the paragraph briefly

Explanation  To show exactly what you mean by the main idea

Detail / Example To provide a specific example

Follow up  To make up for some information lacking in the example

Conclusion To wrap up the paragraph


Sample paragraph development:

Main Idea E-books will make learning more efficient.

Explanation Their functions will help faster and more active learning.

Detail / Example For example, by pointing a word you do not know, you can look into the dictionary installed in the electronic reader for the word. You can also refer to the related information of a particular person or event, often accompanied by sound, picture, and video. With the help of these functions, you can learn more quickly, actively and instinctively.

Follow up It is true that to have a deeper understanding of a subject, you might need to read some books, but digitized books help form a general idea of a topic efficiently.

Conclusion It will not be long before school provides students with tablets instead of textbooks.


Your test paragraph development:

Main Idea





Detail / Example



Follow up








Essay for Ideas and Expressions

I do not have the impression that books will soon become antiques that you seldom see in your daily lives, at least in lives of people who read.


Technically, computers and electronic readers can replace books in the near future. In terms of information search, it is usually much more efficient to use computers than it is to go to the library or subscribe to a paper newspaper or two; books that purely provide information such as dictionaries and encyclopedias have almost gone extinct. Tablets and electronic readers have displays pretty close to the surface of book pages and allow flipping. It might not be long before functions for flipping through, underlining, or writing in are added. Ultimately, the difference will be literally either paper or electric. Here I think is the answer to this question. Paper books will not become totally unnecessary because they exist in the non-virtual world.


First, libraries will keep paper books even though they have been digitizing as many books as possible over decades. Paper and electric books complement each other in their physical shortcomings. Unlike e-books, paper books are bulky and vulnerable to nature such as fire and fungi, yet they are important resources because of their feature as tangible objects. They are ready to be read any time if you just pick them up and open them. Computers need electricity. For fear of blackouts, cyber-terrorism, or accidents that will disable access to or cause damage on digital archive, hard copies will always be kept in libraries and archives. Paper books to human knowledge will be what bankbooks are to our accounts. No one would say that bankbooks are unnecessary.


In private libraries, books might gradually disappear but will never be “unnecessary.” Digital books occupy no space and this is attractive for most of us, who do not live in a mansion. Therefore, natural selection, in fact the owner’s selection, of books in our bookshelves which is always at work will be accelerated as many more cheaper digitalized versions will be available. But I think some books will remain, those books to which you have some personal attachment. They are in your shelf as proof of your life itself. It is hard to imagine readers throwing away their favorite books and downloading e-books of the same titles. I do not think they will no matter how small apartments they live in, and I think some of their books will establish the same kind of relationship with the next owners after their death, and this will be repeated until they are worn out and naturally perish. It would take long for all paper books to disappear this way, and they will just disappear, treasured by someone till the last moment. Therefore, paper books will never become unnecessary.


The substantial presence of books will be necessary in a digitized society. Paper books will be preserved forever as the originals. Good books will always be loved and needed by their owners until someday they are not available in print, and probably some special books such as the Bible, the Koran, or Bruce Springsteen’s biography, whose existence is indispensable for many people, will always be in demand.


早稲田国際教養学部AO, 直前のアドバイス -partly rewritten-



過去問の解き直しと要約: 正解しなかったもののみ、添削された答案や模範解答を見たあともう一度解きなおしましょう。説き直しをすべて終えたら、内容を英語で要約しましょう。(入試が終われば恐らく読み直すことはないでしょうが、入学すれば同様の文章を大量に読むことになるのですから、準備のつもりで内容をしっかり頭に入れておきましょう。)


苦手分野のチェック: 苦手分野の問題は解くたびに落ち込むので試験直前には回避しがちですが、最もチェックが必要です。直前まで学び続ける姿勢を崩さないことです。今まで知らないでいた常識などを発見した場合、「こんなことも知らないのではだめだ。」と思わず、「テスト前に知ることができてよかった。」と考えるようにしましょう。やる気が出ないときは本番でその苦手分野が出題されて困っている自分を想像してみてください。その時のつらさを回避するために前もって苦手分野をチェックするのです。


受験当日 《当日の注意点ですが普段から注意して習慣にしておきましょう》

小手先の技術で切り抜けようとしない: 早稲田国際AO入試の筆記テストも基本的には英語のテストです。見られるのは英語の読解力と表現力及び国際政治・経済の知識です。謙虚に実力を見てもらいましょう。要領よく解こうとするよりも、本文と問題を正確に読み取り、筆者の一番言いたいことと質問のポイントを理解することに集中しましょう。良い解答の第一歩はそこからであり、それができれば7割とれたも同然です。(もちろん反論や具体例などで重要でないところは流し読みするなどの時間の節約は大切ですが、これも内容を理解することによってどこを流せばよいかが分かるのですからまずは内容理解です。)また、解答欄が余っても余計なことは書かないようにしましょう。減点されかねません。うまく最後をまとめる練習は普段からしておきましょう。解くときの優先順位は 1)理解 2)内容 3)量 でよいと思います。


☆解けそうなものから先に解く: 最初に大問すべてにざっと目を通し、解けそうなものから先に解きましょう。ただし、時間配分は全てを解くつもりで最後の問題に時間の余裕が取れるようにします。時間の余裕があれば心の余裕もできるので、解けにくそうだと思ったものも意外に簡単に溶ける場合もあります。


ポイントを先に書く: 普段やっていないのに本番でやってしまいそうなミスが出だし部分にこだわることです。筆記問題の解答ワード数はTOEFLエッセイの3分の1程度なのですから前置きは不要です。また論じ方の説明や問題文の内容の繰り返しも要りません。1行目でストレートに言いたいことを書いてください。詳細はそのあとに書きます。そのほうが時間配分もしやすくなります。最後はまとめの1文をつけましょう。


☆要約問題は簡単な言葉、個性を見せる問題は精一杯の語彙で解答する: 内容を問う問題(要約問題)は内容を理解していることを示すことが大切です。簡単な言葉でよいので理解したことを自分の言葉で表現しましょう。自分の経験・知識を使って答える問題の場合、経験・知識=語彙なのですから出せるものは全て出しましょう。【簡単にまとめる/個性を発揮する】のメリハリをつけた解答にしましょう。


☆解答・記入方法等の指示に注意: 解答・記入方法について、True/falseT/F、アルファベット順、日本語・英語、エッセイ等、様々な指示があるので、注意しましょう。


早稲田国際教養学部AO, extra material, California energy crisis and Enron

Read the following excerpts Wikipedia materials and a Nikkei article and answer the following question. Question: It is suggested that Japanese electricity companies be split up for freer energy trade and distribution. What advantages and disadvantages do you think this plan has?


The California electricity crisis   (Wikipedia)
The California electricity crisis, also known as the Western U.S. Energy Crisis of 2000 and 2001, was a situation in which the United States state of California had a shortage of electricity supply caused by market manipulations, illegal shutdowns of pipelines by the Texas energy consortium Enron, and capped retail electricity prices. The state suffered from multiple large-scale blackouts, one of the state's largest energy companies collapsed, and the economic fall-out greatly harmed Governor Gray Davis's standing.
Drought, delays in approval of new power plants, and market manipulation decreased supply. This caused an 800% increase in wholesale prices from April 2000 to December 2000. In addition, rolling blackouts adversely affected many businesses dependent upon a reliable supply of electricity, and inconvenienced a large number of retail consumers.
California had an installed generating capacity of 45GW. At the time of the blackouts, demand was 28GW. A demand supply gap was created by energy companies, mainly Enron, to create an artificial shortage. Energy traders took power plants offline for maintenance in days of peak demand to increase the price. Traders were thus able to sell power at premium prices, sometimes up to a factor of 20 times its normal value. Because the state government had a cap on retail electricity charges, this market manipulation squeezed the industry's revenue margins, causing the bankruptcy of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and near bankruptcy of Southern California Edison in early 2001.
The financial crisis was possible because of partial deregulation legislation instituted in 1996 by the California Legislature (AB 1890) and Governor Pete Wilson. Enron took advantage of this deregulation and was involved in economic withholding and inflated price bidding in California's spot markets.
The crisis cost between $40 to $45 billion. 
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room   (Wikipedia)
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is a 2005 documentary film based on the best-selling 2003 book of the same name by Fortune reporters Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind, a study of one of the largest business scandals in American history. McLean and Elkind are credited as writers of the film alongside the director, Alex Gibney.
The film examines the 2001 collapse of the Enron Corporation, which resulted in criminal trials for several of the company's top executives; it also shows the involvement of the Enron traders in the California electricity crisis. The film features interviews with McLean and Elkind, as well as former Enron executives and employees, stock analysts, reporters and the former Governor of California Gray Davis.
The film won the Independent Spirit Award for Best Documentary Feature and was nominated for Best Documentary Feature at the 78th Academy Awards in 2006.
The film begins with a profile of Kenneth Lay, who founded Enron in 1985. Two years after its founding, the company becomes embroiled in scandal after two traders begin betting on the oil markets, resulting in suspiciously consistent profits. Enron's CEO, Louis Borget, is also discovered to be diverting company money to offshore accounts. After auditors uncover their schemes, Lay encourages them to "keep making us millions". However, the traders are fired after it is revealed that they gambled away Enron's reserves, nearly destroying the company. After these facts are brought to light, Lay denies having any knowledge of wrongdoing.
Lay hires new CEO Jeffrey Skilling, a visionary who joins Enron on the condition that they utilize mark-to-model accounting, allowing the company to book potential profits on certain projects immediately after the deals are signed...whether or not those projects turn out to be successful. This gives Enron the ability to subjectively give the appearance of being a profitable company even if it isn't. Skilling imposes his Darwinian worldview on Enron by establishing a review committee that grades employees and annually fires the bottom fifteen percent. This creates a highly competitive and brutal working environment.
Skilling hires lieutenants who enforce his directives inside Enron, known as the "guys with spikes." They include J. Clifford Baxter, an intelligent but manic-depressive executive; and Lou Pai, the CEO of Enron Energy Services, who is notorious for using shareholder money to feed his obsessive habit of visiting strip clubs. Pai abruptly resigns from EES with $250 million, soon after selling his stock. Despite the amount of money Pai has made, the divisions he formerly ran lost $1 billion, a fact covered up by Enron. Pai uses his money to buy a large ranch in Colorado, becoming the second-largest landowner in the state.
With its success in the bull market brought on by the dot-com bubble, Enron seeks to beguile stock market analysts by meeting their projections. Executives push up their stock prices and then cash in their multi-million dollar options in a process called "pump and dump." Enron also mounts a PR campaign to portray itself as profitable and stable, even though its worldwide operations are performing poorly. Elsewhere, Enron attempts to use broadband technology to deliver movies on demand, and "trade weather" like a commodity; both initiatives fail. However, using mark-to-model accounting, Enron records non-existent profits for these ventures.
Enron's successes continue as it became one of the few Internet-related companies to survive the dot-com bubble burst in 2000, and is named as the "most admired" corporation by Fortune magazine for the sixth year running. However, Jim Chanos, an Enron investor, and Bethany McLean, a Fortune reporter, question irregularities about the company's financial statements and stock value. Skilling responds by calling McLean "unethical", and accusing Fortune of publishing her reporting to counteract a positive BusinessWeek piece on Enron. Three Enron executives, including CFO Andrew Fastow, meet with McLean and her Fortune editor to explain the company's finances.
Fastow creates a network of shell companies designed solely to do business with Enron, for the ostensible dual purposes of sending Enron money and hiding its increasing debt. However, Fastow has a vested financial stake in these ventures, using them to defraud Enron of tens of millions of dollars. Fastow also takes advantage of the greed of Wall Street investment banks, pressuring them into investing in his shell entities and, in effect, conduct business deals with himself.
公取委、発送電の分社求める 電力改革で報告書  2012/9/21 2:00 日本経済新聞 



TOEFL iBT Independent Writing, High school students should be assigned more homework.


Writing Topic

Consider the following statement. High school students should be assigned more homework to achieve better grades. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.



Let’s think

This statement includes comparative “more” without “than …” Thus this comparison is with the amount of homework in general. Do high school students in general seem to be assigned enough homework? If not, will assigning more homework lead to better grades?



Hints for points

Here is a sample of brainstorming point by point on this statement.


current amount
not enough
 They seem to have a lot of time to play.
 Assessment results have turned down since
the introduction of the more relaxed
education policy.
too much homework already
  Most students go to cram schools and
  they are assigned another set of homework.
High school students need pressure
to study.
Rest or refreshment is necessary for
effective learning.
They can concentrate more on their studies.
They will lose opportunities for exercise,
relationships, or participating in social activities.
related factors
Low level students do not know where to
start. They are happy to be told what to do
More practical curriculum and student-oriented
classroom environment will improve grades.




Essay Structure

Sample Essay Structure for today’s writing topic

Introduction = OutlineI disagree with the idea that high school students should be assigned more homework.

Point 1High school teachers should be trusted in their decision of homework assignment.

Point 2A larger quantity does not always lead to better results.

Point 3 / Counterargument-treatmentIt is true that test scores have been on the downward trend since the 1980s, but tightening the curriculum does not guarantee better grades. Sweden has much lighter curriculum but higher test scores than my country, Japan. The cause of bad grades should be identified before increasing the amount of homework. 

Conclusion = Wrap-upIt is important to focus on the quality of study, rather than the quantity, to improve academic performances of high school students.







Your Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = Outline



Point 1



Point 2



Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment




Conclusion = Wrap-up





Paragraph development


A paragraph of the body of an essay often develops its main idea as follows:

Main Idea (主張)

Explanation (主張の説明)

Detail / Example in general (一般的な例)

More Specific Detail / Example (より具体的な例)

Follow-up / Counterargument-treatment (補足または反論の処理)

Conclusion (結論)


 Sample Paragraph Development of Point 2 in the Essay Plan above

Main Idea (主張)

A larger quantity does not always lead to better results.

Explanation (主張の説明)

Increasing the amount of homework may result in negative consequences.

Detail / Example in general (一般的な例)

For example, students lose time to motivate themselves for further study.

More Specific Detail / Example (より具体的な例)

If they lose time to rest or do other activities, they will become disoriented and lose sight of the meaning of study. When they have little motivation, a larger amount of homework will be nothing more than a heavier burden.

Follow-up / Counterargument-treatment (補足または反論の処理)

In some cases, such as language learning, practice makes it perfect. However, in general, grades do not seem to be proportional to the amount of study. Many students who spent most of their high school years participating in club activities can still graduate with high scores.

Conclusion (結論)

It is the quality, rather than the quantity, of education that makes students perform better. 




The actual paragraph:

A larger quantity does not always lead to better results. Increasing the amount of homework may result in negative consequences. For example, students lose time to motivate themselves for further study. If they lose time to rest or do other activities, they will become disoriented and lose sight of the meaning of study. When they have little motivation, a larger amount of homework will be nothing more than a heavier burden. In some cases, such as language learning, practice makes it perfect. However, in general, grades do not seem to be proportional to the amount of study. Many students who spent most of their high school years participating in club activities can still graduate with high scores. It is the quality, rather than the quantity, of education that makes students perform better. 



Your Sample Paragraph Development

Main Idea (主張)



Explanation (主張の説明)




 Detail / Example in general (一般的な例





More Specific Detail / Example (より具体的な例)






Follow-up / Counterargument-treatment (補足または反論の処理)






Conclusion (結論)